Spring Auction 2020
Automobilia-Catalog - Page 21/74 - sorted by item number
No. 961 FIAT
1954, fold-out brochure Fiat 8V, print number N.1194, 4 pages, English text, with year note, otherwise good condition
Limit: 120,00 €
Sold: 120,00 €
mixed lot with 6 pieces, among it 1936, fold-out brochure Hanomag Automobile, German text, 1937, price list Hanomag models Garant, Kurier, Rekord and Sturm, Dutch text, 1937, fold-out brochure Hanomag 4 Cylinder, Dutch text, 1938, fold-out brochure the new Hanomag diesel automobile, German text, 1939, fold-out brochure the new Hanomag diesel automobile, German text, and 1939, fold-out brochure, Hanomag models, German text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 50,00 €
Sold: 100,00 €
1938/39, mixed lot of 3 sales brochures among it Hanomag Kurier 23 HP, Hanomag Rekord 35 HP, and Hanomag 1.3Liter, German text, slight traces of usage, with year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 30,00 €
Sold: 50,00 €
No. 964
race programme "The Senior Tourist Trophy Race 1931", slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition, rare
Limit: 120,00 €
No. 965
race programme Grand Prix of Europe F.I.D. C.M. Grand Prix 10. TT Circuit van Drenthe/Assen 1934, slight flaws, and moldy at cover, rare
Limit: 120,00 €
Sold: 130,00 €
mixed lot with 3 pieces, among it sales brochure Monteverdi Tiara 2.8/5.0, German text, fold-out brochure Swiss mid-engine-coupe Monterverdi 450SS Hai, German text, and special print from the magazine Automobil Revue with test report Monteverdi 375 L 2+2 / Monteverdi 375 saloon, German text, good condition
Limit: 30,00 €
Sold: 110,00 €
fold-out brochure, Amphicar, 6 pages, English text, good condition
Limit: 25,00 €
Sold: 80,00 €
mixed lot with 2 pieces, among it 1958/59, fold-out brochure/paint and interior fittings pattern Volkswagen Beetle Convertible / convertible, 16 pages, multilingual, punched, 1957, fold-out brochure/price list Volkswagen automobiles, 4 pages, German text, good condition, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition
Limit: 15,00 €
Sold: 70,00 €
No. 969 BMW
1968, color chart/fold-out brochure 14 pages, in three languages, print number 150.XI.68 Bi, good condition
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 25,00 €
1939, mixed lot of 3 issues of the magazine "Motor Schau", among it issue 1, issue 7, issue 8, 3rd year 1939, with traces of usage
Limit: 60,00 €
Sold: 90,00 €
No. 971
race programme Grand Prix of Germany for motorbikes Hohenstein-Ernstthal near Chemnitz July 14th 1935, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition, rare
Limit: 60,00 €
Sold: 70,00 €
No. 972
race programme "Internationales Rundstreckenrennen in Thüringen für Krafträder und Krafträder mit Seitenwagen auf der Dreiecksstrecke Schleiz 18.08.1935", with traces of usage, rare
Limit: 90,00 €
Sold: 90,00 €
mixed lot with 2 pieces, among it an original writing Fabbrica die Automobili G.G.F Ceirano, autographed April 17th 1904, with invoice writing, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition, rare
Limit: 70,00 €
Sold: 70,00 €
No. 974 SCAT
original writing by SCAT Societa Ceirano Automobili Torino to Bruno de Volpi, autographed, dated August4th 1920, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition
Limit: 50,00 €
Sold: 50,00 €
1956, smaller sales catalog with 18 pages, with 1100 Bialbero Sport, 750 Bialbero Sport e corsa and 750 Monoposto, rare
Limit: 50,00 €
Sold: 70,00 €
1955, fold-out brochure with 1100 Bialbero Sport, 750 Bialbero Sport e corsa and 750 Monoposto, upper edge is cut, rare
Limit: 50,00 €
Sold: 55,00 €
No. 977 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 13 pieces among it 1940, sales catalog, Austin 12, English text, 1940, fold-out brochure Austin 12, English text, 1940, fold-out brochure Austin SixteenShooting Brake, English text, 3x 1945, fold-out brochure The Post War Austin Eight, Ten,Twelve, English text, 1945, sales brochure/special print of the magazine "The Austin Magazine" 1944, The Austin post-was programmes, English text, 1945, fold-out brochure The Austin Ten, English text, 1946, fold-out brochure The Austin Sixteen, English text, 1946, fold-out brochure The Austin Eight &Ten , English text, 2x 1946, fold-out brochure The Austin Eight, Ten, Twelve and Sixteen, English text, 1946, fold-out brochure The Austin Twelve &Sixteen, English text, and 1947, sales brochure The Austin Sixteen, English text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 30,00 €
No. 978 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 14 pieces, among it 1939, sales catalog "Austin Twenty-Eight Ranelagh Limousine", English text, 1939, sales catalog "Austin Dependable Commerical Vehicles", English text, 1939, fold-out brochure "Austin Modelle", English text, 1939, fold-out brochure "The new Austion Twenty-Eight Ranelagh Limousine", English text, 1939, sales catalog "Austion Britain´s Depentable Car", English text, 1939, fold-out brochure "The new Austion 10", English text, 1939, fold-out brochure "Austin Eight", English text, 1939, sales catalog "The new Austin 10", English text, 1939, sales catalog "The new Austin 8", English text, 1939, sales catalog "Austin Twelve &Fourteens", English text, 1939, sales brochure "Gordon Bodies in Austin Chassis", English text, 1939, sales brochure "Austin Modelle", English text, 1939, sales brochure "Austin Britain´s Dependable Car", English text, and 1939, special print from the magazine "The Autocarmit Testberichten The new Austin Ten", English text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 15,00 €
Sold: 80,00 €
No. 979 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 15 pieces, among it 1938, sales catalog/exclusive catalog Austin Twent, English text, 1938, sales catalog Austin Ten,Twelve, Fourteen, English text, 1938, sales catalog Austin Coachwork for Austin Chassis by Gordon, English text, 1938, fold-out brochure The Austin Big Seven, English text, 1938, sales brochure The Austin Seven and the new Big Seven, English text, 2x 1938, sales brochure The new Austion Eighteen, English text, 1938, sales catalog Austin puts Depentability firts - Depentability puts Austin first, English text, 1938, fold-out brochure The new Iver Eighteen Saloon, English text, 2x 1938, fold-out brochure The new 18, English text, 1938, fold-out brochure The new Austin Five-Seater Austin Twelve, English text, 1938, fold-out brochure Austin models, English text, 1938, sales brochure The Big Seven Saloons Forlite and Sixtlite, English text, and 1938, price list Austin models, Dutch text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 15,00 €
Sold: 60,00 €
No. 980 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 10 pieces, among it 1937, sales catalog/exclusive catalog Austion Ten, Twelve, Fourteen, English text, 1937, fold-out brochure "Ring up the Curtain", English text, 1937, fold-out brochure "The Car you invest in", English text, 1937, sales brochure Austin models, English text, 1937, sales brochure "The seven wonders of the World by Austin", English text, 3x 1937, sales brochure "Austin Closed Models", English text, 1937, "Gordon Bodies for Austin Cars 1937", English text, and 1 edition "Austin News 1937", English text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 15,00 €
Sold: 120,00 €
No. 981 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 9 pieces, among it 1936, sales catalog/exclusive catalog "Austin Eighteen and Twenty Models", English text, 1936, sales brochure Austin Twelve, English text, 1936, sales brochure Austin Open Models, English text, 1936, sales brochure "As I was going to St. Ives I met a Car with seven lives", English text, 2x 1936, sales brochure "Just sit back and Steer with The Hayes Transmission", English text, and 3x sales catalog "Austion Britain´s Dependable Car", English text, with price list, Dutch text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 15,00 €
Sold: 80,00 €
No. 982 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 9 pieces, among it 1936, sales catalog/exclusive catalog Austin model program, English text, 1936, fold-out brochure Austin Britains Dependable Car Austin Sixteen & Eighteen, English text, 1936, sales brochure The Austin Ten-Four, English text, 1936, sales brochure Austin Gordon models, English text, 1936, sales brochure Austin model program, Dutch text, 1936, sales brochure Austin Seven & Ten-Four, English text, 1936, fold-out brochure Austin Express Delivery Vans, English text, 1936, Austin Britain´s Depandable Car, English text, and 1 issue magazine Austin News, English text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 15,00 €
Sold: 120,00 €
No. 983 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 10 pieces, among it 1935, sales catalog/exclusive catalog Austin model program, English text, 1935, sales brochure Austin model program, Dutch text, 1935, sales brochure Austin Gordon models, English text, 1935, fold-out brochure The Austin Seven, English text, 1935, fold-out brochure The Austin Seven, English text, 1935, fold-out brochure The Austin Ten, Dutch text, 1935, fold-out brochure De Austin Twelve, Dutch text, 1935, fold-out brochure The Austin Export, English text, and 2x sales catalog Austin Britains Dependable Car, English text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 120,00 €
No. 984 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 8 pieces among it 1934, sales catalog/exclusive catalog Austin model program, 1934, sales brochure Austin Sports Cars, English text, 1934, sales brochure Austin Light 12-4, Dutch text, 1934, fold-out brochure The Austin 10-4, 1934, fold-out brochure The Austion Light 12-4 and Lighr 12-6, English text, 1934, fold-out brochure Austin 10-4, English text, 1934, fold-out brochure Austin 12HP and 16HP, English text, and 1934, fold-out brochure The Austin Twelve-Six Sports Tourer, probably from A sales folder, English text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 70,00 €
No. 985 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 8 pieces, among it 1934, sales brochure A new Transmisson, English text, 1934, sales brochure Austin Gordon Models De-Luxe, English text, 2x 1934, sales brochure Austin Twenty, Sixteen, Twelve, Light Twelve Six, light Twelve-Four, Ten-Four, English text, 1x punched, 1934, fold-out brochure The Austin Seven - The little friend of all the world, English text, 1934, fold-out brochure The famous Austin Seven, English text, 1934, fold-out brochure Britain´s Depandable, English text, 1934, fold-out brochure Quality sells the Quantity, English text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 100,00 €
No. 986 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 9 pieces among it 1932, sales catalog Austin Gordon Models De-Luxe, English text, 2x 1933, fold-out brochure The Austin Seven Excels, English text, 1933, sales brochure Austin Britains Dependable Bar, English text, 1933, flyer The Austin Gordon Pixie Ten-Four Sports Saloon de Luxe, English text, 1933, flyer The Austin Ten-Four new convertible, English text, 1933, sales brochure brief description of the models, Dutch text, and 2x 1933, price lists Austin models, Dutch text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 140,00 €
No. 987 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 10 pieces, among it 1932, sales catalog/exclusive catalog Austin model program, English text, 2x 1932, fold-out brochure The Car you are looking for, English text, 1932, fold-out brochure An Easy Conquest The Austin Light Twelve-Four, English text, 1932, sales brochure Austin Cars, English text, 1932, sales brochure The Austin Seven, English text, 1932, advertising brochure/sales brochure When a Woman buys a Car, English text, 1932, flyer The Austin Twelve, English text, small bad spot at the lower edge, 1932, fold-out brochure The Austin Twleve Six, English text, 1932, fold-out brochure The Austin Sixteen-Six, English text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 100,00 €
No. 988 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 10 pieces among it 1932, sales catalog/exclusive catalog model program, English text, 1932, sales brochure Austin Gordon model De-Luxe, English text, 1932, sales brochure Austin Cars model program, English text, 1932, sales brochure A Red letter Day of 1931, English text, English text, 1932, sales catalog Major Jones Selection The Sixteen-Six, English text, 1932, sales brochure The New Austin Ten-Four, English text, 1932, fold-out brochure Tickford Sunshine Coachwork on the Austin, English text, 1932, fold-out brochure The Austin Twenty-Six, English text, 1932, fold-out brochure The Austin Sixteen, English text, sowie1932, fold-out brochure/advertisement poster New Advertisment for Austin Dealers, English text with flaws at the folding places, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 140,00 €
No. 989 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 7 pieces among it 1931, sales catalog/exclusive catalog Austin model program, English text, 2x 1931, sales brochure The Austin Seven Comes of Ages, English text, 1931, sales brochure Austin Gordon Models, English text, 1931, fold-out brochure The Austin Mulliner Weymann and Fabric Models, English text, 1931, fold-out brochure Mulliner Models, English text, 1931, fold-out brochure The Austin Sixteen 6 Cylinder, English text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp, rare
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 220,00 €
No. 990 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 6 pieces, among it 2x 1930, sales catalog model program, English text, 1930, sales catalog Austin Gordon models, English text, 1930, sales brochure Why the Austin Seven Excels?, English text, 1930, fold-out brochure The Austin Seven Sport Model, English text, and 1930, sales catalog "Swallow Coachwork fort he Connoisseur", English text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp, rare
Limit: 15,00 €
Sold: 320,00 €
No. 991 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 5 pieces, among it 1929, sales brochure The Austin Seven, English text, 1927, fold-out brochure Austin 7 Chassis Cup Model, English text, 1929, fold-out brochure Austin Gordon, English text, 1929, flyer Austin Sixteen 6 Cylinder, English text, and 1929, sales catalog Austin model program, English text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp, rare
Limit: 1,00 €
Sold: 100,00 €
No. 992 AUSTIN
mixed lot with 5 pieces, among it 1923, sales brochure "The Motor for the Million", English text, 1925, sales brochure "Motoring at Tram Fare", English text, 1926, sales brochure "The Austin Seven", English text, 1928, sales brochure "The Austin Seven", English text, and 1927, sales brochure "The Austin Seven", with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp, rare
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 280,00 €
No. 993 LLOYD
mixed lot with 14 pieces among it 1960, sales brochure Lloyd Arabella, with price list, German text, 1952, sales brochure Lloyd LT500, German text, flyer Lloyd LP400S, German text, 1952, sales brochure Lloyd LP/LC300, German text, 1958, sales brochure Lloyd Alexander, German text, 1957, sales brochure Lloyd 600, German text, 1954, fold-out brochure Lloyd LT500, Dutch text, 1954, fold-out brochure Lloyd LP400, German text, 1956, fold-out brochure Lloyd 600, German text, 1954, fold-out brochure Lloyd LT500, Dutch text, 4x special print of different journals with test reports Lloyd LP300, LP600, Arabella, 600, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 15,00 €
Sold: 100,00 €
No. 994 LLOYD
mixed lot with 15 pieces, among it 1953, sales brochure Lloyd 1953, German text, 1952, fold-out brochure technical data automobiles/utility vehicles, Dutch text, 1960, sales brochure Lloyd Alexander TS, German text, 2x 1959, fold-out brochure Lloyd Alexander TS, German text, 1959, fold-out brochure Lloyd 600 Standart, German text, 1959, fold-out brochure Lloyd estate car, German text, 1959, fold-out brochure Lloyd Arabella with price list, 1955, sales brochure Lloyd LT 600, German text, 1955, sales brochure Lloyd LP400S/LS400S, German text, 1957, flyer Lloyd 600 Standart, German text, 1959, sales catalog Lloyd Arabella, German text, 1955, advertising brochure "100000Km Lloyd", German text, fold-out brochure Lloyd Europe´s leading light Car, English text, 1952, company writing improvement at Lloyd-cars, German text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 15,00 €
Sold: 90,00 €
mixed lot with 7 pieces, among it 1960, sales brochure Bonte Autoparade / range of models, Dutch text, 1952, sales brochure 3 Wheels that earn you money, English text, 1955, sales brochure Goliath, Dutch text, 1955, sales brochure Goliath Rasse own class, German text punched, 1955, fold-out brochure Goliath Express, German text, 1952, sales brochure Goliath 1100, German text, special print from the magazine Automobil-Revue and test report Goliath GP 700, and special print from the magazine Auto Kraftrad 1954 test report Goliath GP700 with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 15,00 €
Sold: 60,00 €
mixed lot with 7 pieces, among it 1959, sales brochure Hansa 1100, German text, 1953, fold-out brochure "Der neue Goliath Personenwagen", German text, 1953, fold-out brochure "Goliath", French text, 1954, fold-out brochure "Goliath Combi", German text, 1954, sales catalog model program 1954, German text, test report Goliath press service 1957, and special print from the magazine "Motor Revue" 1954, French text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 15,00 €
Sold: 60,00 €
mixed lot with 9 pieces, among it 1959, fold-out brochure Hansa 1100 Coupe, English text, 1958, fold-out brochure Goliath Hansa 1100, German text, 1950, sales brochure Goliath 1100 estate car, German text, 1951, fold-out brochure "Spaarsam", Dutch text, 1952, sales brochure Goliath product range, price list Goliath GP700, 1959, fold-out brochure Goliath Hansa 1100 Luxus, German text, 1950, fold-out brochure Hansa Autoparade, German text, and special print 1953, Dutch magazine, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 15,00 €
Sold: 90,00 €
mixed lot with 7 pieces, among it fold-out brochure 1957, Goliat GP 700, German text, 1960, sales brochure Hansa 1100, German text, 1956, fold-out brochure Goliath estate car, German text, 1956, sales brochure Goliath, German text, 1950, flyer Goliath 1100 coupe, German text, 1957, fold-out brochure Goliath Goli Spells Profit, English text, and 1960 special print from of the magazine o with test reports Goliath Hansa 1100, German text, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 15,00 €
Sold: 120,00 €
mixed lot with 7 pieces, among it 1952, sales brochure Goliath, German text, 1952, sales brochure Goliath estate car + company car, German text, 1950, fold-out brochure Goliath GP 700, German text, 1952, fold-out brochure business and estate car, German text, 1956, fold-out brochure Goltiath combination car model 1956, German text, 1952, fold-out brochure Goliath, German text, and special print from the magazine Motor Revue issue 22 summer 1957, with test reports Golitah 1100, with traces of usage, year notes and archive stamp
Limit: 15,00 €
Sold: 100,00 €
mixed lot of 4 sales catalogs, among it 1936, fold-out brochure Mercedes-Benz type 170H, 8 pages with Dutch text, slightly moldy, 1937, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz 170H, 24 pages, German text, ring-bound, inside slightly moldy, 1938, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz 170H, 18 pages with German text, inside slightly moldy, 1939, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 170H, 18 pages with German text, inside slightly moldy, with year notes, rare
Limit: 80,00 €
Sold: 330,00 €
mixed lot with 7 pieces, among it 1933, sales brochure Mercedes-Benz 170V, 12 pages with German text, 1936, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz 170V, 26 pages with German text, 1937, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz 170V, 24 pages with German text, inside slightly moldy, 1937, flyer Mercedes-Benz 170V Jetzt also as delivery van, 1938, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz 170V, 24 pages, Dutch text, inside slightly moldy, 1939, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz 170V, 18 pages with Dutch text, inside slightly moldy, 1939, fold-out brochure Mercedes-Benz type 170V, 8 pages with Dutch text, with year notes, rare
Limit: 60,00 €
Sold: 360,00 €
1935, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 150, 22 pages with German text, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 260,00 €
mixed lot with 3 pieces, among it 1934, fold-out brochure Was is type 130?, 8 pages with German text, 1934, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 130, 22 pages with German text, 1935, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 130, 26 pages with German text, with year notes, otherwise good condition, rare
Limit: 40,00 €
Sold: 100,00 €
mixed lot with 2 pieces, among it 1934, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 170, 20 pages with German text, inside slightly moldy punched, 1935, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 170, 30 pages, German text, inside slightly moldy, with year notes
Limit: 30,00 €
Sold: 60,00 €
mixed lot with 3 pieces, among it: 1934, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 200, 20 pages with German text punched, 1935, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 200, 34 pages with German text, 1936, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 200, 36 pages with German text, with year notes, good condition
Limit: 40,00 €
Sold: 240,00 €
mixed lot with 5 pieces, among it 1936, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 230, 28 pages with German text, 1937, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 230, 24 pages with German text, 1938, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 230, 26 pages with German text, 1939, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 230, 34 pages with Dutch text, and 1939, sales brochure Mercedes-Benz type 230, 12 pages with Dutch text, with year notes, good condition
Limit: 60,00 €
Sold: 200,00 €
mixed lot with 4 pieces, among it 1936, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 260D, 14 pages with German text, reverse restored, with correspondence by the Daimler Aktiengesellschaft dated March 3rf 1936, 1937, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 260D, 18 pages with German text, inside slightly moldy, 1937, Verkaufkatalog Mercedes-Benz type 260D, 26 pages with German text, 1938, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 260D, 26 pages with German text, with year notes, good condition
Limit: 40,00 €
Sold: 90,00 €
mixed lot with 4 pieces, among it 1933, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 290, 16 pages with German text and punched, 1934, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 290, 30 pages with German text, 1935, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 290, 38 pages with German text, inside slightly moldy, 1936, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz type 290, 50 pages with German text, inside slightly moldy, with year notes, good condition
Limit: 40,00 €
Sold: 240,00 €