Online Auction March 2023
Online Auktion March 2023 - Page 11/30 - sorted by item number
No. 481 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot of badges with 6 pieces on a display, Mercedes-Benz, among it, 190 SL meeting Ladenburg 1981, 190 SL meeting 1982, 190 SL meeting 1983, 190 SL meeting Karlsruhe 1984, 190 SL meeting Karlsruhe 1985, meeting of the veterans Ladenburg 1985, 33x24.5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 71,00 €
No. 482 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot with 5 pieces badges, Mercedes-Benz, among it, "190 SL Treffen Karlsruhe 1985", 8.5x7.5cm, " Veteranen Fahrt München 24.-26.Juni 1994",10x7cm, " Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1989", 9.5x7cm, " 10 Jahre MVC, Daimler-Benz-Treffen Ladenburg 1971-1981",10x10cm, " Mercedes-Benz Klubben, Norge", 6.5x6.5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 61,00 €
No. 483 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot with 5 pieces, badges, Mercedes-Benz, among it "Sindelfinger Karosserie Daimler-Benz A.G.", 11x3cm, "70 Jahre Mercedes-Benz Heckmotorwagen Ladenburg 2004", 8x8cm, "Mercedes Veteranen-Club von Deutschland e.V.", 10.5x5.5cm, "Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1989", 9.5x7cm, "6 Hohensyburg Casino Classical Rallye Dortmund 1994", 10x6cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 71,00 €
No. 484
mixed lot with 5 pieces, different badges, among it"Auto Union", 10.5x3.5cm, " Deutscher Automobil-Veteranen-Club eV", 7.5x8cm, "Die Rennstrecke vor den Toren Stuttgarts", ADAC, 8x5.5cm, " Teutoburger Wald-und Heide-Fahrt, Bielefeld 1962", 9x8.5cm, "FIFA WORLD RALLY 14.-19. September 1984, Philipa Greece", on a display, 8x8cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 26,00 €
No. 485 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot with 5 pieces, badges, Mercedes-Benz, among it, "Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1990", 10x7cm, " Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1987", 10x8.5cm, " 100 Jahre Berta-Benz-Gedächtnisfahrt 4.-7. August.1988", 12.5x8cm, " Veteranen-Club Salzburg 2000", 7x8cm, " 190 SL Treffen Ladenburg 1980", 9x6cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 71,00 €
No. 486
mixed lot with 5 pieces, different badges, among it, "Schweizer Motor-Veteranen-Club", 9x9cm, a bit faded, " Kraftfahrer Vereinigung Deutscher Aerzte e.V", 10x10cm, " 3. Hohensyburg Casino Classica Rallye Dortmund 1988", 10x5.5cm, " Länderplakette Ungarn", 10.5x5cm, " 1. Stuttgarter Autosalon 1983", commemorative medal, 7cmx7cm
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 38,00 €
No. 487 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot with 5 pieces, badges, Mercedes-Benz, among it: " Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1990", 10x7cm, "Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1991", 11x7cm, "Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1992", 8.5x7cm, " Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1993", 7.5x10.5cm, " Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1995", 7.5x11cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 59,00 €
No. 488 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot with 5 pieces, badges, Mercedes-Benz, among it: " Pfingsttreffen Niedernhausen Juni 2017", 11.5x7cm, "Mercedes-Benz 24. Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1995", 8x11cm, " Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1984", 9x6cm, "Mercedes-Benz Veteranen-Club Treffen Ladenburg 1992", 8.5cmx7cm, "Daimler-Benz Treffen Ladenburg 1982", 9cmx6cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 76,00 €
No. 489 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot with 6 pieces badges, Mercedes-Benz, among it, "Mercedes-Benz Veteranen-Club", "300 SL Club", 9.5cmx7cm, " 2. 190 SL- Treffen Ladenburg 1980", 9x6cm, "Internationales Jahrestreffen 1.-4.Mai 1980 in München", 9cmx9cm, " Internationales Jahrestreffen 21.-24.Mai 1981 in Berlin", 9x9cm, " Mercedes Veteranen-Club von Deutschland e.V. seit 1971", 11cmx6cm, " 190 SL Treffen 1982", 9.5x6.5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 61,00 €
No. 490 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot with 5 pieces badges, Mercedes-Benz, among it, " Daimler-Benz Treffen Ladenburg 1982", 9x6cm, "Mercedes-Benz Klassiker Treffen 1990", 11x3cm, " Mercedes-Benz Veteranen Club", 9x7cm, "70 Jahre Mercedes-Benz Treffen Ladenburg 2004", 10x7cm, " Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1984", 9x6cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 59,00 €
No. 491
mixed lot with 5 pieces, different badges, among it, " 1. Stuttgarter Autosalon 1983", commemorative medal, 7x7cm, "12. Int. Treffen Wolfsburg 1986", LLOYD, HANSA, GOLIATH, BORGWARD, 10x6.5cm, "Aalener-Automobil-Veteranen-Ausfahrt 30./31. August 1975", 7x7cm, "3. Heimat-Bildersuchfahrt 1994 Schriesheim", 9x8cm, "Harz Heide Fahrt 1976", 10cmx6,5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 51,00 €
No. 492
mixed lot with 5 pieces, different badges, among it, "5. Hohensyburg Casino Classical Rallye Dortmund 1992", 10cmx5,5cm, " European Concours d´Elegance, Schwetzingen 7./8. Juli 2002", 13.5x10cm, " European Concours d´Elegance, Schwetzingen 4.-6.Juli 2003", 13.5x10cm, "Classic Motor Club Del Bages", 8.5x8.5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 38,00 €
No. 493
mixed lot with 5 pieces, among it, a key pendant " The House of Jaguar",01/817 1586, Schwitzerland, 4cmx3cm, a pin " Rund um die Solitude", ADAC-STN, 1975, 4x8cm, 2 badges, among it " PORSCHE STUTTGART", 6cmx6cm, "6. Hohensyburg Casino Classical Rallye Dortmund 1994", 10x6cm, a horseshoe badge " DAVC Deutschlandtreffen 1984", 12cmx11cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 18,00 €
No. 494 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot with 5 pieces badges, Mercedes-Benz, among it, 2x" Daimler-Benz-Treffen 1979 Ladenburg", 8cmx8cm, " 10 Jahre MVC 1971-1981, Daimler-Benz-Treffen Ladenburg", 10x10cm, " Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1984", 9x6cm, " Daimler-Benz-Treffen Ladenburg 1983", 9x6cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 59,00 €
No. 495
mixed lot with 6 pieces, badges in casket , among it: " Automobiltage Baden-Baden", Sep 11th/12th1993, Sep 9th/10th 1989, Sep 13th/14th 1986, Sep 8th/9th 1990, Sep 7th/8th 1991, Sep 15th/16th 19984, 4.5x4.5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 5,00 €
No. 496
mixed lot with 5 pieces, badges, among it "Old Timer Meeting Baden-Baden 1976", " Automobilwoche 29.April-1.Mai. 1977 Baden-Baden", " Automobiltage Baden-Baden", Sep12th/13th 1992, Sep10th/11th 1994, Sep12th/13th 1987, 4.5x4.5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 5,00 €
No. 497 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot with 5 pieces, badges, among it, " 190 SL Treffen 1982", 9.5x6.5cm, " 1. Frau am Steuer- Bertha Benz, 1849-1944", in a wood casket, " Deutsche Schnauferl-Rallye 4-6.8.1978, 90 Jahre Berta-Benz Gedächtnisfahrt", 9.5x9.5cm, " Anniversary 1992", 10cmx8cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 61,00 €
No. 498
mixed lot with 5 pieces, badges, among it, " Bayerisches Oldtimer Festival 1984, Automobil und Motorrad", 7x5cm, " Zielfahrt 14.9.1974 Gruppe Hannover", 7.5x7.5cm, " The Veteran Car Club of Great Britan 1930-1990", 7.5x9.5cm, "8. Darmstädter Herbst Veteranen Rallye 2.-4.10. 1981", 8.5x8.5cm, " Aalener Automobil Veteranen Ausfahrt 1983", 7x7cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 51,00 €
No. 499
mixed lot with 5 pieces, badges, among it, " Internationale ADAC- Sternfahrt 21.Sept.1963", 8x8cm, " 15. Bundesturnier Nürnberg 20.Okt.1968", 8x8cm, "Int. Seehasen-Sternfahrt 1952 Friedrichshafen", 10x8cm, "Automobil-Veteranen-Ausfahrt 1976 Nördlingen", 9.5x6cm, "5. ADAC Zielfahrt Bruchsal 1969", 8.5x8cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 57,00 €
No. 500 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot with 6 pieces, badges, Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Club, among it: "Internationales Jahrestreffen", 2x June 8th-11th 1989 in Freiburg, 9x9cm, May 18th-20th 1979 in Stuttgart, 9.5x9.5cm, May 1st-4th 1980 in Munich, 9.5x9.5cm, May 12th-15th 1983 in Frankfurt, 9x9cm, May 16th-19th 1985 in Hamburg, 9x9cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 61,00 €
No. 501
mixed lot with 4 pieces, different badges, among it, "Mercedes-Benz Veteranen Fahrt München 19.-21.7.1991", 10x7cm, " 4. Oldtimerrallye 15.September.1991 in Amerang/Chiemgau", 9x9cm, " Quedlinburger-Veteranen-Ausfahrt 28.August.1993", 10x10cm, " Automobilclub Schriesheim, 40 Jahre, 1952-1992", 10.5x7cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 53,00 €
No. 502
mixed lot with 5 pieces, different badges, among it, " Ludwigsburger Veteranen Rallye (Blühendes Barock)", 1980, 8.5x7.5cm, "Allgemeiner Schnauferl-Club", 9x9cm, " Fiva-World-Rallye Gaggenau, 7.Juni.1986", 8x6cm, "Große Deutschlandfahrt des DAVC, 30.August- 6.Sept.1986", 15x6.5cm, "Rallye 650 Jahre Diez, 15.6-17.6.1979", 10x10cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 59,00 €
No. 503 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot with 5 pieces, badges, Mercedes-Benz, among it, " IG-Ponton-Mercedes, 6. Jahrestreffen 1986 Fulda", 8x8cm, " Mercedes Veteranen Club Krefeld 1969-1989", 11x7.5cm, "Mercedes Klassiker Treffen 1990", 11x5.5cm, "Oldtimer-Treffen Aachen 1984", "Oldtimer-Treffen Aachen 1983", 11x6.5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 59,00 €
No. 504
mixed lot with 5 pieces, different badges, among it: 2x " Preis der Solitude", 10x7.5cm, "Mercedes-Benz Klassiker Treffen 1990",11x5.5cm, "Mercedes Veteranen-Club Krefeld 1969-1989", 10.5x7.5cm, "Fiva-World-Rallye Gaggenau 7.Juni.1986", 8x6.5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 53,00 €
No. 505 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot with 5 pieces badges, Mercedes-Benz, among it, "1. 190 SL Treffen in Ladenburg 1979", 11cmx6cm," 8. SL Treffen Regensburg 1986", 10.5x7cm, "Ruhrtal-Oldtimer-Rallye 1992", 12x6.5cm, "8.Mercedes-Benz Veteranen Fahrt 19.-21.7.1991", 10x7cm, "9. Mercedes-Benz Veteranen Fahrt 24.-26.7.1992", 10x7cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 53,00 €
No. 506
mixed lot with 4 pieces, different badges, among it, 2x " Int.Oldtimer-Rallye Bad-Kreuznach", 9.5x5.5cm, " Amilgar-Salmson en Allemagne 24.-26.8.1984 Ladenburg", 9x6cm, " Oldtimer-Treffen Kirchberg 1999", 10x7.5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 36,00 €
No. 507
mixed lot with 4 pieces, different badges, among it, " Deutscher Jagdschutz Verband", 7cmx7cm, " 6. Bergwinkel-Rallye 1987-1997", 10x10cm, " 2. Heimat-Bildersuchfahrt 1993", 10.5x7.5cm, "Strahlenfahrt zum Freiberger Automobil Club ADAC 5./6.September.1931", good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 36,00 €
No. 508
mixed lot with 4 pieces, different badges, among it: "Int. Nahetal Rallye 1992", 8x8cm, " 4. Oldtimerrallye 15.September.1991 Amerang/Chiemgau", 9x9cm, "Automobilclub Schriesheim, 40 Jahre 1952-1992", 10.5x7cm, " IG-Ponton-Mercedes, 10. Jahrestreffen 1990", 8cmx8cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 34,00 €
No. 509 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot with 4 pieces, badges, Mercedes-Benz, among it: "190 SL Treffen 1983", 9.5cmx6,5cm, "9. 190 SL Treffen Celle 1987", 8cmx8cm, "10. 190 SL Treffen Friedberg 1988", 11cmx7cm, "Mercedes-Benz Kompressor Treffen 1997", 11cmx5,5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 43,00 €
No. 510
mixed lot with 5 pieces, different badges, among it: " Nürburgring 1981", 7x5cm, " Mercedes-Benz Club Belgium 1978", 7x8cm, " Treffpunkt der Veteranenfreunde und Feinschmecker Gundelsheim/Neckar", 11x8cm, "Nord-Bayerische-Veteranen-Rallye 21.-22.5.1977", 9x8cm, " Quer durch Neuwied 81", 9x7.5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 59,00 €
No. 511
mixed lot with 5 pieces, different badges, among it, " Deutscher Automobil-Veteranen-Club e.V.", 7.5x8cm, "Vint. Sternfahrt für Oldtimer 29.-31.7. 1983", 9x9cm, "Aalener Automobil Veteranen Ausfahrt 1979", 7cmx7cm, " Für 40 Jähriges Unfallfreies fahren Bundesverkehrswacht", 8x8cm, " Int. Nahetal Rallye Bad Kreuznach 1981", 9.5x5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 16,00 €
No. 512
mixed lot with 5 pieces, different badges, among it, "ADAC Sportabzeichen", 9x8cm, "Mercedes-Benz European Delivery Program 1886", 7.5x6cm, "Bayerisches Oldtimer Festival 1984", 7x5.5cm, "Plakette mit Darstellung Porsche 356". 8x8cm, " 39. Int. Jahrestreffen SL-Club Pagode RC Frankfurt", 9.5x8cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 57,00 €
No. 513
mixed lot with 5 pieces different badges, among it, " Internationales Deutsche Schnauferl- Fahrt Mannheim Pforzheim, 1.-4. August.1996", 10x7cm, " Bayerische-Veteranen-Rallye 21.-22.5.1977", 9x8.5cm, "1. Unterhaardter Veteranen Treffen 3.-4.Mai.1974", 10x7.5cm, "Mannheim im Frühling Oldtimer-Korso 1978", 8x8cm, " 6. Mercedes Veteranen Fahrt München, 21.-23.7.1989", 9x6.5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 41,00 €
No. 514 Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot with 6 pieces, badges, Mercedes-Benz, among it, "19. Mercedes-Benz Veteranen Treffen Ladenburg 1990", 14x10.5cm, "15. Mercedes-Benz Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1986", 14.5x10.5cm, " Daimler-Benz-Treffen Ladenburg, 1971-1981", 10x10cm, " 6. Hohensyburg Casino Classical Rallye Dortmund 1994, Ehrenpreis", 15x10cm, "Geburtsstadt des Automobils Mannheim", 14x14cm, " Mercedes-Benz Klassiker Treffen 1990", in a case, 11x6cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 74,00 €
No. 515
mixed lot with 6 pieces, different badges, among it, "4. Internationale Veteranen - Rallye 1983", on a display, 16x14cm, " 100000 KM Fahrleistung Opel", in a case, 8x8cm, " 17. Mercedes-Benz Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1988, 100 Jahre Frau am Steuer", 12x7,5, "6. Internationale Veteranen Rallye 1988", 10.5x8.5cm, " Stadt Apotheke", 5x5cm, " Mercedes-Benz Anstecknadel", 4.5cm, on a wooden board covered with leather, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 55,00 €
No. 516
mixed lot with 5 pieces, different badges, among it, " 18. Mercedes-Benz Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1989", 9.5x7cm, "Burg Hohenzollern Ausfahrt 26.-28.Mai.1989", 11x9.5cm, "Mercedes Anstecknadel", 5cm, "Oldtimer-treffen Freiburg/Brsg. Glottertal 31.5-2.6.1991", 11x9.5cm, "20. Veteranentreffen Ladenburg 1991", 11x7cm, in a display, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 71,00 €
No. 517 ADAC test drive Solitude for motorbikes Hockenheim 1985
c. 2000 color negatives, with race programme, professional photos (press photographer Gerhard Paumann), all classes
Limit: 150,00 €
No. 518
race programme "Prix de Paris 1957, Montlhéry", races for sports car , GT, Formula 2, touring cars, among others Barbier in a Ferrari, Gerbout in a Veritas, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 26,00 €
No. 519
race programme "Rund um den Kellersee 1951", races for motorbikes and motorcycle combinations, 26 pages, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 24,00 €
No. 520
race programme "Mai - Pokal 1950", Hockenheimring, races for sports car , racing car Formula 3, motorbikes, motorcycle combinations, among others various AFM and Veritas, 56 pages, quite good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 21,00 €
No. 521
race programme "Solitude-Rennen 1949", races for motorbikes, motorcycle combinations, sports car , racing car Formula 2 and Formula Libre, 64 pages, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 26,00 €
autographed autograph card/photo postcard Dickie Dale (1927-1961), 10.5x14.5cm, good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 51,00 €
1897, sales catalog "hardbound", with all in all 45 single pages, inside with metal binding, xylograph illustrations of automobiles and a motorboat, with race successes in the 1890s, at this time Panhard & Levassor equipped its vehicles with Daimler V engines, Gottlieb Daimler and Emilé Levassor were in closecontact, French text, very rare sales catalog, visible traces of usage otherwise good condition
Limit: 800,00 €
Sold: 800,00 €
No. 524 PEERLESS MOTOR CARS (Barney Oldfield)
1905, very rare brochure bound with a cord, "The Peerless Green Dragon", race successes from 1904, Barney Oldfield in a Peerles Green Dragon, richly illustrated, 24 pages, English text, visible traces of usage otherwise good condition
Limit: 200,00 €
Sold: 294,00 €
November 1962, edition autographed by Enzo Ferrari with dedication to the well-known Italian motor journalist Lorenzo Pilogallo (dated Dec 1st 1962) book "LE MIE GIOIE TERRIBILI", (dust cover as copy), good condition
Limit: 200,00 €
Sold: 401,00 €
No. 526
mixed lot with 2 pieces, among it program folder Schleizer Dreieck race 1934, and announcement 1936, with 2 nominations
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 58,00 €
mixed lot with 3 pieces, 2 records among it Argentina Today, cover shows a Ferrari 225 Sport Vignale Spyder, and "Sonny Stitt move on over…", cover shows a Ferrari 250TR, and magazine "Italia", good condition
Limit: 50,00 €
1975, operating instruction Porsche Turbo model 76, 4670.20, English text, good condition
Limit: 65,00 €