Automobilia Ladenburg

Marcel Seidel Auctions - - 0049 6203 95 77 870

Online Auction March 2023

Online Auktion March 2023 - Page 3/30 - sorted by item number

mixed lot with 8 pieces , among others: invitation card for "Humboldt-Deutzmotoren Schlepperkarawane" 1935 / Regensburg - to Otto von Weidenbach, advertising writing Victoria-Werke A.G. with model brochure for motorbikes (1934 / German), "Edelweiß-Decker"bicylcle brochure (No. 1033B / 1933) folded, fold-out brochure Ford trucks as envelope (1931/German) - good condition
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 20,00 €

No. 98
28 pieces mixed lot of folding brochures, flyers, advertising booklets etc. from the '20s - '40s, among it: Essolub Standard Treiböl-folder, with bills of clearance and pre-printed order forms (1936/ German), "Bosch - Kleiner Reparatur-Dolmetscher" ('40s / German French English), flyer Olex BP - "Lebensstrom der deutschen Wirtschaft" (NEMA / 1938), folded, postcard Junkers-engines, 6 pages, labelled and folded ('30s-'40s), advertising writing "Veedol Kurier" (issue 45/ 1935/German), advertising letter "Leipziger Messamt für Int. Automobilausstellung für Lastwagen" (1928/German), 4 pages in the original envelope, magazine "Nouvelle Revue Automobile" No. 1, 1934 (French), for further book titles please refer to the pictures
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 52,00 €

No. 99
mixed lot with 8 pieces, race progams, photos and identifications, among others: trial programmes for the "Veteranenrallye Schleizer Dreieck 1983" and " Veteranenrallye-650 Jahre Stadt Lunzenau" 1983, with 25 B/W photos of the event in Lunzenau on June 11th , organization pass "Int. Schleizer Dreieckrennen" 1983, commemorative publication "BP 1904-1954" on the occassion of the 50th anniversary, in the dust cover - good condition
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 12,00 €

No. 100
big mixed lot with more than 250 newspaper cuttings '60s-'80s, among others: The Motorcycle Enthusiast in Action (1963), La Dino Ferrari, 6 pages ('70s), the big "Show" of Le Mans, 2 pages (1971), Lancia Flavia Coupe, 2 pages (1970), Cinturato Pirelli, 2 pages (1970), at steering wheel of the Abarth Scorpione 1300S, 4 pages (1975) - in the main French texts
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 12,00 €

No. 101
mixed lot with 26 pieces, the magazine "Auto Motor und Sport", year 1963 - issue 9 / 10 missing, 4 / 5 / 21 double, partially booklets with massive traces of usage
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 10,00 €

No. 102
mixed lot with 20 pieces, journals from the '50s-'70s, among others: Sports Cars Illustrated (1957/English), Safety Fast (Vol.1 1959/ English), Power Slide 9 (1964/German), Rallye Racing (1969/ German), Auto Motor und Sport (issue 22 1971/ German) - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 23,00 €

No. 103
mixed lot of 7 glass negatives (12x9cm) + 5 corresponding B/W photo prints (new) of motorcyclists '20s (13x10cm) - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 7,00 €

No. 104 NSU
2 B/W photographies of Wilhelm Herz from NSU Delphin III during a try for a speed world record '50s with dedication by Wilhelm Herz - glued on wood and framed (57.5 x 47.5cm) - good condition
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 26,00 €

No. 105
mixed lot with 7 pieces, small-format B/W photographies in frames, among others: Jürgen Dubler and Eric Offenstadt at the inspection of a car (1966 / 25.5x19.5cm), start of the international Schleizer-Dreieck race (1965 / 25.5x19.5cm), Dieter Haupt at the Hanseatenring (1955 / 26x20.5cm) - a few damages at the frame back, otherwise good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 12,00 €

No. 106
mixed lot with 9 pieces, small-format B/W photographies, '50s, in frames, among others: John Surtess probably Sachsenring (1951 / 14x19cm), driver in start position for the race in Dessau (1950 / 14x19cm), Eric Olliver with a Norton-motorbike, followed by Wilhelm Noll with a BMW ('50s / 14x19cm), Ray Amm with a 500ccm Norton ('50s / 14x19cm) - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 23,00 €

No. 107
mixed lot with 5 pieces, large-format '50s racing driver-photos in frames, among others: Geoffrey Duke (33x27cm), Walter Knoch-Lobenstein (33x43cm), Heiner Fleischmann (35x45cm), Wilhelm Herz (35.5x45cm) - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €

No. 108
2 large-format '50s B/W photographies, among it: double world champion Werner Haas witha a NSU-motorbike, fixed on cardboard, with facsimile-signature (61x44cm) + photo international Schleizer Dreiecks race, fixed on cardboard (40x50cm) - slight damages on reverse, otherwise good condition
Limit: 5,00 €

No. 109
mixed lot of books with 5 pieces, "Neues Kraftfahrzeug Fachblatt", among it: 2nd year, No. 15-24 (1948), 3rd year, No. 1-12 (1949), 3rd year, No. 13-22 (1949), 4. year, No. 1-9/10 (1950), 4. year, No. 11/12- 22/23 (1950) - all with German texts
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 77,00 €

No. 110
mixed lot with 8 pieces, journals and brochures, among it: magazine "Das Motorrad" No. 36 (1936), No. 42+44 (1937), No. 35 (1938), No. 13+28 (1939), fold-out brochure Jaguar 3.4 liter, 4 pages ('50s/ German), advertising writing"Motor-Sport-Illustrierte" (1955)
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 25,00 €

No. 111
mixed lot of photographies, correspondence, programmes and documents among others from the '30s, among others: 7 small-format B/W photographies, Eastern Germany '50s-'60s, programmes ADAC-beauty competition Swinemünde 1931 and rally Eilenriede 1931, different correspondences, receipts and postcards about the Dreiecks race Schleiz (DDAC) '30s, entry sheets among others for the Rundstrecken-Hochleistungsprüfung 1935 - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 9,00 €

No. 112 NSU
mixed lot with 3 pieces, consists of : brochure NSU 1000, 14 pages ('60s / English), Prinz-exclusive catalog for the press- Prinz 4 (1961/ German), press catalog "Der Prinz ist da!" Prinz I/II (1957/ German) - good condition
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 91,00 €

No. 113 NSU
mixed lot with 3 pieces, consists of NSU press catalogs, among it: Prinzprogramm (1963/ German) for Prinz 4, Prinz 1000 and Sport-Prinz, NSU-Automobile (1967/ English) for Prinz 4, NSU 1000, 1200, TT and TTS, press catalog Prinz 4, NSU 1000, TT/TTS, 1200/ 1200C (1969/ English) - good condition
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 111,00 €

No. 114 NSU
mixed lot with 3 pieces, NSU press catalogs, among it: NSU Spider - Wankel engine (1963/ German), NSU Ro 80 press (1969/ German), NSU Ro 80 press (1967/ German) - good condition
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 116,00 €

No. 115 BMW
mixed lot with 3 pieces: offprint "BMW Typ 326" from the magazine Motor und Sport (issue 51 1936/ German), 3 pages, offprint "BMW Typ 326" from the Allgemeinen Automobil-Zeitung (No. 41 1936/ German), 4 pages, brochure BMW 326 50PS, 4 pages (A200 60/XII.36. / German) - flaws at the edge, otherwise good condition
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 13,00 €

mixed lot consists of the brochure "La Traction Ae´rienne Helica Eolia", 4 pages, print number 5118-5-21 ('20s / 21.6 x 13.6cm) - creased and stained with flaws + magazine La Vie Automobile, No. 956 (October 1930/ French) - slight flaws at the edge, otherwise good condition
Limit: 40,00 €

No. 117 JAGUAR
mixed lot with 34 pieces, Jaguar Drivers Club issues, years 1974-78, among it: No. 165 (April 1974), No. 183 (October 1975), No. 187 (February 1976), No. 212 (March 1978) - slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 20,00 €

15 subminiature models Porsche '50s Mittellenker (steering wheel in the center of the cockpit), 48mm models - good condition
Limit: 30,00 €
Sold: 53,00 €

No. 119
mixed lot with 3 pieces, consists of : trophy "Ehrenpreis VIII ADAC-Bergpreis Bad Neuenahr 12.Mai 1968" to the prime minister Rhineland-Palatinate, Peter Altmeier (36cm plates), Preisteller in a wooden frame "Klassensieger Reinoldusfahrt 1967" (framed 25x25cm), prize plate "Mannschaftspreis Rund um Rottenburg 1967" (framed 26x26cm)
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 20,00 €

mixed lot with 18 pieces, trophies of MSC Bad-Cannstatt, 60s-'70s, among others: club championship 1964 (height: 4.7cm), mountain championship 1965 (heigth: 10cm), 2nd ADAC-Automobilslalom 1970 (heigth; 8.7cm), Clubmeister 1971 (H. 18.5cm), 2nd place club championship 1972 (H.12.2cm) - nearly all with original MSC Bad-Cannstatt emblem, more than half partially strongly steamed up
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 36,00 €

No. 121
big bronze plaque on a wooden board "1st Rallye Suisse de la Madone des Centaures" motorbike-mountain race Fribourg June 22nd 1952 (25x18cm, on wood 32x22.5cm), back of the board with stamped in list of names, attaching screws aren't available, otherwise good condition
Limit: 40,00 €

No. 122
30 pieces, mixed lot of motor sport prizes 1967-1976, among others: Göppinger Slalom, MSC Ludwigsburg, SFC, ACS, Rund um Ulm, Bruchsal Slalom, Slalom Stuttgart, Lauffen destination race, Black Forest journey, Stammheimer Slalom, WMC Slalom, Rallye Astronomia, Filstal Rallye, ADAC district Westphalia etc... for precise informations please refer to the pictures - good condition
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 145,00 €

mixed lot with from 2 honorary awards for Ex-Renault Sport manager Rolf Schmidt, among it by the ADAC North Rhine and the ONS (1983 / plates with a diameter of 29.5cm and 33cm)
Limit: 20,00 €
Sold: 301,00 €

No. 124 HELIOS
3 old original plates "Helios Zweirad Motorrad" - 2 of it copper plate on wood / 1x wood, company Eduard Ade Stuttgart - with traces of usage
Limit: 30,00 €

mixed lot with 8 pieces, Porsche 911 model-bodyshells (1:32 / NZG), 6 of it with doors and hoods, 2 only hoods, very good condition
Limit: 40,00 €

No. 126
25 pieces, mixed lot of books from Italy/ France, among others: "Le Moteur" by Henri Petit, volume 1+2 (1937/French), "Au volant: Conduite Automobile" by Robert Benoist (1933/French), "Construzione dei Motori" by by Rubbo (1946/Italian), "Automobilismo Veloce" (1951/Italian) - partially with markings/underlinings, for remaining items please refer to our pictures
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 28,00 €

No. 127
big mixed lot of books, issues and journals, among others from GB, among it: book "Motor Racing Management" by John Wyer (1956/English), "Cars of the Connoisseur" by J.R. Buckley (1960/English), magazine "The Veteran Car Club Gazette" 16 issues 1953-60, among others Vol.III. No. 42 (1953/English), magazine "The Vintage and Thoroughbred Car" 21 issues 1954-56, among others Vol. II. No. 20 (1954/English) - partially with to-underlinings, for the remaining items pleaserefer to the pictures
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 70,00 €

No. 128 LUCAS
original Lucas Screenjet Electric Washer-Bottler, Model 2SJ, '60s (21x13.5cm), used with massive worn places at cover and the rubber egde- functionality wasn't tested
Limit: 50,00 €

2 pieces, mixed lot of replacement parts consists of: VDO rev counter for Mercedes Benz W111, W112, W113 (part-No. 000 542 24 16/ dated February 1964), used, functionality wasn't checked, VDO speedometer for MB Pagode W113 (part-No. 003 542 20 06), used, functionality wasn't checked
Limit: 250,00 €
Sold: 501,00 €

mixed lot with 7 pieces, among it: set rubber-coating forms (W136, W143, W191 / 12.5cm and 26.5cm in diameter), 3 MB badges, among it MB 300SL Club - 1987 Stuttgart, MB Club Techno-Classica 1999-2008, MB Club, paperweight MB (9.2cm), Goldohrringe MB "Racing Earrings" - good condition
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 68,00 €

No. 131
mixed lot with 8 pieces, car badges, among others: Caravan Club (7.7x11.5cm), Don & Porter Motor Club (7.2x10.7cm), Deutscher Automobil Schutz (8.5cm), IAM J. Lound (7.6x10.3cm) - with traces of usage
Limit: 10,00 €
Sold: 41,00 €

No. 132
7 pieces mixed lot of technical certificates and individual approvals, among it: manufacturer's model certificate Borgward Hansa 1500 (1955/German), Einzelg. Tempo A400 Van (1939/German), Einzelg. Chevrolet DeLuxe (1951/German), Einzelg. Ford Estate (1953/German), Einzelg. Goliath GP700 (1951/German), Humber pre-war era-truck (1951/German), manufacturer's model certificate FEND transport scooter (1954/German) - slight traces of usage
Limit: 140,00 €
Sold: 174,00 €

No. 133
mixed lot with 9 pieces, manuals, registrations and service books, among others: Mini Workshop manual (No. AKD 4935 1969 /English) for among others Saloon, Moke and Countryman, Austin Morris Workshop manual 1100-1300 (No. AKD 3615 1973/ English), Passport to Service Austin Morris (1971/English) labelled, Passport to Service (BMC/ 1963/ English), brochure "Fiat 500D/600D" (1964/ Dutch)
Limit: 60,00 €

No. 134
mixed lot with 5 pieces Mercedes-Benz list of replacement parts, among it: engine replacements part list type M108 (edition B 10156 / 1968) & type M130 V (edition B 10172 / 1969), list of replacement parts automatic DB-gear unit (edition A 10199 / 1971) & automatic DB-gear unit (edition B 10167 / 1969), service-manual MB 280SE / 300SEL (1970/English)
Limit: 60,00 €

No. 135 FORD
2 color photos Ford GT40 at the 1000km race in a Monza 1966, external view in front of a Dunlop service-truck and inside fittings (8x12cm) - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 9,00 €

2 original B/W photos of the production of the VW Beetle 1955 (5.5x8.5cm) - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 13,00 €

No. 137 OPEL
original postcard car race Berlin-Grunewald 1921, Friedrich Breckheimer in the Opel (8.8x13.6cm) - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 25,00 €

2 original B/W photos Ferrari 275 GTB (#07797), (11x15cm) - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 701,00 €

original B/W photo Ferrari 250 GT TdF Zagato (#0665GT) at 12 Heures Reims 1957, driven by Camillo Luglio / Francois Picard (7x10cm) - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 56,00 €

2 original B/W photo Ferrari 250 GT SWB and Ferrari 350 GTO Silverstone 1962 (8x10cm) - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 103,00 €

B/W photo Vittorio Marzotto at the steering wheel of the Ferrari 275 S /340 America during mountain race Susa-Moncenisio 1951 (6x9cm), you can see 340 Americ (#0030MT) - afterwards with Scaglietti car body) - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 37,00 €

mixed lot with 5 pieces, large-format Ferrari B/W copies from the Grand Prix France 1956 in Reims, among others with Castellotti, Collins and Fangio in Ferrari-Lancia D50 (24x30cm), more recent photo prints - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 37,00 €

No. 143 LANCIA
large-format B/W photo print of Alberto Ascari in a Lancia D50 at the training GP Spain 1954 in a Pedralbes (24x30cm), more recent photo print - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 29,00 €

original B/W photo Peter Collins in an Aston Martin DB3S during Mille Miglia 1955 (6x10cm) - good condition
Limit: 5,00 €
Sold: 12,00 €