Online Auktion February 2022
Online Auktion February 2022 - Page 32/39
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race programme "Riemer Rundsteckenrennen 1949", participants were among others Helm Glöckler, Toni Ulmen, Karl Kling, Joseph Hummel in a Veritas, Egon Brütsch in an EBS, Alexander von Falkenhausen, Emil Vorster in an AFM, Fritz Rieß in a HH48, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

race programme "2. Aachener Waldrennen"July 24th 1949, for motorbikes, ultra-compact racing car and sports car , participants were among others Emil Vorster, Erich Lütkemaas in an AFM, Petermax Müller in a VW self-build, Eugen Krings in a VW, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

race programme "Rund um Schotten"Aug 15th 1948, participants were among others Egon Brütsch in a Maserati self-build, Karl Kling, Toni Ulmen, Karl Schäufele, Georg Meier, Ralph Roese, Joseph Hummels, Heinz Mölders in a Veritas, Emil Vorster in an AFM, Helmut Polensky in a Monopol, Helmut Deutz... more

race programme "Rund um Schotten" June 12th 1949, participants among others Helmut Polensky in a Monopol, Fritz Rieß in a HH48, Alexander von Falkenhausen, Emil Vorster in an AFM, Egon Brütsch in a EBS and Maserati compressor, Toni Ulmen, Heinz-Gert Jäger, Joseph Hummels, Helm Glöckler in a ... more

race programme "1. Kraichgau Motorrad Rennen Waldparkring Schwefelbad Mingolsheim"June 19th 1949, cover is slightly stained, otherwise good condition

race programme "Kölner Stadtwald-Rennen" May 2nd 1937, punched, slightly stained, otherwise good condition

race programme "NSKK Kraftfahrzeug-Winterprüfung" Feb 3rd-6th 1937, punched, slightly stained, otherwise good condition

race programme "Eifel-Pokal-Rennen Nürburgring, Meisterschaftslauf Motorräder mit und ohne Seitenwagen", Aug 17th 1947, slightly stained, otherwise good condition

race programme "NSKK Drei-Tage Mittelgebirgsfahrt"June 24th -26th 1937, punched, otherwise good condition

race programme "Grand Prix de Suisse Genéve"July 17th 1938, motorbikes with sidecar, good condition

race programme "Motorradrennen auf der Aschenbahn, Neckar-Station Stuttgart"June 16th 1946, slightly stained, otherwise good condition

race programme "Motorrad-Bergrennen Innsbruck-Hungerburg"Oct 12th 1947, slightly stained, otherwise good condition

race programme "Karlsruher-Dreiecksrennen für Motorräder und Sportwagen" Sep 29th 1946, participants among others Fred Bayerl, Kurt drill, Heinz Scherkamp, Helmuth Kiefer in a Bugatti, Alexander von Falkenhausen, Karl Kling, Hermann Lang in a BMW, Hans Stuck in a "Spezial", Egon Brütsch in an ... more

race programme "Motorradrennen Grasbahn-Rennen 1.Meisterschaftslauf"August 14th 1948, slightly stained, otherwise good condition

mixed lot of 2 programmes Grenzeck Motorschau, Jan 8th-16th 1949, exhibited were among others the Veritas, Bugatti of Helmut Weißenberger, Haller and Heinrich Herbster, and "2. Motor-Schau Tübingen"Oct 20th -Nov 6th1949, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

race programme "Grenzlandringrennen" Sep 11th 1949, participants were among others Hermann Roosdorp in a Ferrari 166MM, Hans Stuck, Hermann Lang, Alexander von Falkenhausen in an AFM, Theo Helfrich, Toni Ulmen, Heinz Jäger, Anni Roosdorp, Karl Kling, Karl Bossong, Ralph Roese in a Veritas, good... more

race programme "Grenzlandringrennen"Sep 19th 1948, participants were among others Karl Kling, Toni Ulmen, Karl Schäufele, Ralph Roese, Karl Bossong, Helm Glöckler, Arthur Rosenhammer, Heinz Mölders, Josef Hummels in a Vertias, Willi Krakau, Hans Roth in a BMW, Egon Brütsch in a Maserati, Helmut... more

race programme motorbike road race "Monte Carlo" in Garmisch-Partenkirchen July 4th 1948, slightly stained, otherwise good condition

race programme "Motorrad-Rennen durch Mainz"June 13th 1948, good condition

race programme "Eggbergrennen Säckingen am Rhein", Sep 5th 1948, participants were among others Egon Brütsch in a Maserati self-build, Gerog Meier, Karl Kling, Ralph Roese, helmet Glöckler, Josef Hummel, Heinz Mölders in a Veritas, Walter Steinig in a Bugatti, Heinrich Herbster in a Veritas... more

race programme "Hamburger Stadtparkrennen 4.Lauf zur deutschen Motorrad-Meisterschaft"August 29th 1948, original sealed

race programme "Braunschweiger Prinzenpark-Rennen für Motorräder und Wagen"Aug 22nd 1948, participants were among others Emil Vorster in an AFM, Petermax Müller in a VW, Richard Trenkel in a Fiat self-build, Komossa in a Scampalo

race programme "Ulmer Stadtringrennen für Motorräder mit und ohne Seitenwagen" August 8th 1948, good condition

race programme "Reutlinger Rundsteckenrennen"Aug 1st 1948, slightly stained, otherwise good condition

model cars 3 pieces Ferrari 312 T2, 312 T3, 312 T4, metal models, manufacturer "YAXON", scale always 1:43, in its original package, (with traces of usage), used, but good condition

model car Ferrari 250/ LM, 1963, plastic model, manufacturer "LINDBERG", scale 1:32, in its original package, (with slight traces of usage), left tire is faulty, (broken off), used condition

model car Ferrari Lancia D50, 1954, plastic model for assemble, manufacturer "HAWK", scale 1:32, in its original package, (minimally traces of usage, corresponding to age), without damage, but good condition

model car Ferrari DINO 206, plastic model, manufacturer "ROXY TOYS", scale unknown, in its original package, (with traces of usage), used, but good condition

1517 - FERRARI
Schedoni owner's folder for Ferrari 360, 430, 458, California, 612, 599…very good condition

1518 - FERRARI
Schedoni owner's folder for Ferrari 550, 575, 458, 599, 430, 355, 360, very good condition

1519 - Carrozzeria Touring
set of 5 car body badges/logos (faithfull reproduction), framed, behind glass, nice decorative object, 35x27cm

calling card "Giovanni Michelotti" , framed 15.5x21cm

calling card "Paul Frére", framed, 12.5x17.5cm

1522 - Maserati
enamelled bonnet emblem (faithfull reproduction)

1523 - FERRARI
original enamelled key pendant (Coinart Firenze), NOS

1524 - FERRARI
tie on the occasion of 50 years Ferrari (100 % silk), good condition

1525 - FERRARI
Ferrari F40 flag Spa Francorchamps, September 24th-27th 1992, 130x98cm

1526 - FERRARI
flag "Cavallino Rampante", 98x130cm

flag "Adeus Ayrton", Imola 1 maggio 1994, 100x140cm

mixed lot of 10 radiator stars for UNIMOG, NOS, partially original packaging

1:5 personal copy Mercedes Benz design division, radiator mask and aluminium wheel for type 190 (W201), in a wood case, a rarity

1530 - FERRARI
original B/W photo two Ferrari 250TR in the pit-lane, 9x14cm, reverse stamped "Photographie M.Migniau", good condition

1531 - FERRARI
original B/W photo Mille Miglia 1955 among others 2x Ferrari 500 Mondial by Carlo Leto di Priolo and Luigi Taramazzo, 18x17cm, good condition

1532 - FERRARI
B/W photo subsequent photo print '70s/'80s, Louis Rosier in a Ferrari 340 America Spyder, Le Mans 1952, 17.5x24cm, reverse with glue leftovers, otherwise good condition

1533 - FERRARI
B/W photo subsequent photo print '70s/'80s, Ferrari 375MM Vignale by Phil Hill / Richie Ginther, V. Carrera Panamericana Mexico 1954, 12.5x18cm, good condition

original B/W photo/company photo Cunningham C4, 20.5x25cm, good condition

mixed lot of 11 issues of the magazine "Automobil-Welt - Flug-Welt", year XII., 1914, partially with patches with flaws, loft find, completeness wasn't checked

1536 - DKW
mixed lot of 18 original B/W photos DKW factory Zschopau in the Erz Mountains, different formats, good condition