A genuine passion for automobilia and classic vehicles forms the foundation for my company.
When I took the decision back in 2000 to start setting up auctions in the automobilia business, this was hardly a surprising one – my father, Winfried A. Seidel, played a considerable role in the formation of this idea. Initially, however, I had planned to supply only replacement parts and technical components for cars.
This is where the former name of the website came from – autotechnikauktion.de. But this idea was relatively quickly put on ice and, for a whole host of reasons, we decided to focus on the area of automobilia, with growing success.
We have in the meantime also become successful in the area of replacement parts and technical components for cars and, as well as auctioning automobilia rarities, we also auction replacement parts – from the chassis of a Porsche 917 to a complete engine of a Ferrari Formula One car.
We are now building on more than one and a half decades of experience in the auctions business – always endeavouring to make our auctions more interesting with special and unique items, we select the range of items very precisely so that we can be sure to offer you a fascinating auction catalogue.
We look forward to meeting you.
Marcel Seidel & Team

Chief executive officer

Chief secretary

Social Media & PR management

Representative for region Stuttgart