Spring Auction 2020
Automobilia-Catalog - Page 15/74
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673 - HUMBER
mixed lot of 21 sales brochures and catalogs, Humber Super Snipe, Humber Hawk, Humber Pullman & Imperial…all with English text (with year note and archive stamp), good condition

674 - LANCIA
mixed lot with 15 pieces, sales brochures and catalogs, among it sales brochure Lancia Fulvia 1600 HF, Lancia Fulvia Sport, Lancia 2000, Lancia 2000 HF, Lancia 2000 coupe, Lancia Beta, Lancia Fulvia Berlina, Lancia Fulvia coupe, Lancia Fulvia Sport 1600, Lancia model program 1972, Lancia model... more

675 - LANCIA
mixed lot of 2 press kits, among it press kit Lancia Fulvia coupe 1.3 S 2nd Serie, Fulvia Sport 1,3 2. series, Fulvia coupe 1600 HF 2. series, French text, complete, press kit Lancia Fuliva coupe, Beta 1400-1800 limited to, 2000 limited to, 2000 IE limited to, Dutch text, complete, both good... more

press information folder International Motor Show Frankfurt 1963, with type 600 and 230 SL and auto programme, along with it 6 company photos, good condition

list of replacement parts Mercedes-Benz type 600 edition C 1970, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

mixed lot with 5 pieces, Auto-Union, DKW sales catalogs, flyer/ folding/ brochures, price lists from 1951-1957 among it: DKW universal, DKW 3=6, price list DKW, AU 1951, French text, good condition with slight traces of usage, with notes and dealer's stamp

mixed lot with 11 pieces, Auto-Union, DKW sales catalogs, brochures, price lists from 1950-1956 among it: DKW 3=6, DKW special class 3=6 automobiles, special print Auto- Revue 09/1954, price lists 1953/ 1954, DKW & AU F10,DKW Meisterklasse (Master Class) programme´52, Dutch text, good condition... more

mixed lot with 12 pieces, Auto-Union, DKW sales catalogs, brochures, price lists from 1950-1957 among it: Meisterklasse (Master Class) four-speed, DKW special class, DKW programme '51, Meisterklasse (Master Class), Auto-Union 3=6, Auto-Union Illustrierte, DKW universal 3=6, and other things, German... more

mixed lot with 12 pieces, Auto-Union, DKW sales catalogs, brochures, price lists from 1950-1957 among it: DKW express truck 3=6, image brochure Auto-Union´54, special class universal, DKW special class, between North Cape and Sahara, Der Gr. 3=6 DKW, DKW off-road vehicle with four-wheel drive,... more

mixed lot with 13 pieces, Auto-Union, DKW sales catalogs, brochures, price lists from 1960-1962 among it: Munga, DKW F12, DKW and Auto-Union model program 1962, 1000 page coupé, German text, price list 1963, DKW Auto-Union model program 1963, Dutch text, good condition, with notes and dealer's... more

mixed lot with 13 pieces, Auto-Union, DKW sales catalogs, brochures, price lists from 1960-1962 among it: Auto-Union 1000 SP, off-road vehicle, 1000S saloon/ coupé, DKW Junior/ de Luxe, lubricant for Auto-Union and DKW cars, clean oil- automatic, German texts, Auto-Union 1000 saloon/ Stationcar,... more

mixed lot with 10 pieces, Auto-Union, DKW sales catalogs, brochures, price lists from 1959-1960 among it: DKW Junior, 1000 S coupé, the new 1000s models, German text, 8 flyers among it: DKW 750 Sedan, Auto-Union 1000 Sedan, 1000 S, 1000 Universal Station Wagon, 1000SP Sports Coupe, model program... more

mixed lot with 11 pieces, Auto-Union, DKW sales catalogs, brochures, price lists from 1959-1960 among it: Auto-Union 1000 coupé/saloon/ SP/ Universal/ S, DKW Junior, price list 1959, German texts, good condition, with notes and dealer's stamp

mixed lot with 15 pieces, Auto-Union, DKW sales catalogs, brochures, price lists from 1957-1959, among it: Auto-Union 1000 coupé roadster, DKW 900, DKW without clutch pedal, DKW off-road vehicle, DKW programme 1958, Auto-Union price list 1958, technical data Kleiner DKW, special print DKW ´58,... more

mixed lot with 8 pieces, Volkswagen sales catalogs, brochures from 1953-1963 among it: sales brochure VW Käfer´53, price list 1960, Dutch text, sales catalog VW Beetle in ring binding ´59, VW 1500, model program ´60, image brochure VW, price list ´58, German text, and others, good condition with... more

mixed lot with 3 pieces, Volkswagen sales catalogs, brochures from 1959-1963 among it: sales catalog VW 1500 Karmann- Ghia´63, German text, sales catalog VW Karmann- Ghia´60, English text, fold-out brochure Karmann- Ghia coupé/ convertible, Dutch text '59, good condition with slight traces of usage,... more

mixed lot with 6 pieces, Volkswagen sales catalogs and brochures, price lists from 1960-1961 among it: sales catalog VW beetle, VW 1500, German text, VW Beetle de Luxe, convertible, model program 1961, Dutch text, VW 1500 Station Car, English text, good condition with slight traces of usage year... more

mixed lot with 28 pieces, Standard sales catalogs, brochures, price lists from 1956-1964 among it: Vanguard Luxury 6, Estate Car, Companion, Standard 10, Standard 8, 10 de Luxe, Pennant, Commercial Vehicles, Standard News 1957, Standard Sportsman, price list 1960, English text, Standard Ten de... more

mixed lot with 27 pieces, Standard sales catalogs, brochures, price lists from 1956-1964 among it: 8 de Luxe, Vanguards, Ensign de Luxe, Vanguard Luxury Six, Vanguard Estate Car, Companion, Pennant, Vignale Vanguard, Standard 10, Ten de Luxe, Spacemaster, Superten Saloon, Vanguard III, 2 price... more

mixed lot with 24 pieces, Sunbeam Talbot sales catalogs, folders, price lists from 1949-1960 among it: Sunbeam 80, Sunbeam 90, Sports-Saloon, Sports-Convertible Coupé, Sunbeam 90 Alpine Rally 1952, Sunbeam Rapier, MK III Sports Saloon, special print "Autosport 02/1958- Rapier", 1 B/W FotoRapier... more

mixed lot with 14 pieces, Sunbeam sales catalogs, folders, price lists from 1961-1967 among it: Chamois, Rapier, Sports Sedan, IMP Sports, 4 B/W photos, English text, good condition with slight traces of usage, with notes and dealer's stamp

694 - HUMBER
mixed lot with 14 pieces, Humber sales catalogs, folders, price lists from 1946-1952, among it: Humber Hawk, Pullman Limousine & Imperial Saloon, Humber Super Snipe, range of models 1946, special print "Autocar 08/ 1945", and other things, English text, good condition with slight traces of usage,... more

mixed lot with 31 pieces, Overland Willys Americar sales catalogs, folders, price lists from 1936-1942 among it: Sedan, Coupe, Panel, Pickup, 2,5 to 3,5 Ton Truck Series 940, Willys 77, Willys Clipper, Slip-Stream Design, Willys 99, Half- Tonners, price list 1936 & 1939, model program 1940, Sedan,... more

mixed lot with 9 pieces, Overland Willys sales catalogs, folders, price lists from 1928-1932 among it: Sports models, Great Six, model program 1931, Willys Knight with Sleeve Valve Motor, English text, Willys Knight Six/ Grand Six, Willys Attan, Swedish text, good condition with slight traces of... more

mixed lot with 10 pieces, Overland Willys sales catalogs, folders, price lists from 1928-1932 among it: Willys Knight Great Six, Special Six, Model 87, Willys The 8, Willys Six Commercial, Streamliner Series, model program 1931, good condition with slight traces of usage, with notes and dealer's... more

mixed lot with 10 pieces, Overland Willys sales catalogs, folders, price lists from 1929-1932 among it: The New Willys Knight Six, New Twin Sleeve Willys Knight, Streamline Series, Silver Streak Motor, The 1930 Willys Knight- Line of Sixes, 70-B, For 1930 Beauty Power Speed, good condition with... more

mixed lot with 11 pieces, Overland Willys sales catalogs, folders, price lists from 1926-1927 among it: model 70, Willys- Knight Motor Cars, Great Six, Willys knight Six, Willys Knight Story, Six Cylinder Automobiles, An Engineering Masterpice, English text, Willys- Knight 70, price list 1927 for... more

mixed lot with 8 pieces, sales brochures, Standard from 1949- 1953, among it: Pick-Up Utility, Estate Car, Pick-Up Truck, 12cwt. Delivery Van, 1952 Estate Car, 1952 Vanguard, each 4- 6 pages, English text, good condition with notes/ dealer's stamp

mixed lot with 6 pieces, sales catalogs and brochures, Standard from 1950- 1954, among it: The Standard Eight, Commercial Vehicles 6cwt. Delivery Vans and Pick-up Truck, Vanguard, Four- Door Estate Car, Vanguard, English text, good condition with traces of usage, with year note and dealer's... more

mixed lot with 6 pieces, sales catalogs and brochures, Standard from 1950- 1956, among it: Estate Car, Ten, Diesel Engine 2,1 litre, Vanguard, The Standard 12 cwt. Delivery Van/ Pick-Up Truck, English text, good condition with traces of usage, with year note and dealer's stamp

mixed lot with 7 pieces, sales catalogs and brochures, Standard from 1948- 1955, among it: Standard 8 de Luxe and Basic models, Standard Ten, 8 de Luxe, Standard 10 HP, Vanguard, English text, good condition with traces of usage, with JN and dealer's stamp

mixed lot with 13 pieces, sales catalog and brochures, Standard from 1950- 1953, among it: Stardard and Triumph Specifications 1952 and 1953,The Laycock-de Normanville Overdrive, Outstanding Feature of the Standard Vanguard, A Breif History the Standard Motor Company Limited, book, The Story of the... more

mixed lot with 7 pieces, sales catalogs/ folders, Wolseley from 1949- 1952, among it: Four-Fifty, Six Eighty, Four Fifty & Six Eighty, 4/ 50 and 6/ 80, English text, good condition with notes

mixed lot with 7 pieces, sales catalogs/ folders, Wolseley from 1949- 1957, among it: Six Eighty & Four Fifty, Four Fifty & Six Eighty, Six Ninety, English text, good condition with notes

mixed lot with 12 pieces, sales catalogs/ brochures, folding/ flyers, Panhard from 1960- 1966, among it: Panhard 24, PL17, 24 bt/ ct/ B, CD, Panauto, 17, Break, French text, good condition with notes

mixed lot with 12 pieces, sales catalogs/ brochures, folders, Panhard from 1960- 1966, among it: Break, 17, Relmax S, 24 B/ bt/ ct, table of models 1965, report Panhard, French text, Panhard type CD, PL17, Dutch text, good condition with notes

709 - SIMCA
mixed lot with 10 pieces, sales catalogs/ brochures, folders, Simca from 1956- 1958, among it: Beaulieu, Chamord, Marly, Vedette´58, Vedette´57, Trianon, Regence, Marly, Versailles, Ariane, La Simca Vedette A L´EPREUVE, Les avantages du moteur V8, French text, good condition with notes

710 - SIMCA
mixed lot with 10 pieces, sales catalogs/ brochures, folders, Simca from 1956- 1958, among it: Vedette 57, Ariane 4, Vendette 56, Vendette Beaulieu, Ariane, Beaulieu, Chambord, Marly, Vendette 58, Amenagements Optionnels Chambord, good condition, Vedette 57 (strong traces of usage/ crease/ abrasion,... more

mixed lot with 7 pieces, folders, Simca from 1935- 1938, among it: 11CV ´35, 1.500.00 Clients attendent une solution´36, Simca 8 Simcavite´38, Fourgonnette 250K Simca cing´37, Berline Grand Luxe/ Decapotable´37, Simca cing la Fourgonnette´38, French text with traces of usage, small kinks, with notes... more

mixed lot with 6 pieces, sales catalogs/ brochures, folders, Simca- Fiat from 1936- 1939, among it: Simca 8 ´39, Merveille´39, Simca 8 ´37/38, Simca la 6cv. ´36, Simca 11cv. ´36/37, French text, good condition with notes and archive stamp

713 - SIMCA
mixed lot with 6 pieces, sales catalogs/ brochures, folders Simca from 1946- 1951, among it: sales folder with 4 flyers model 6 and 8, 3 folders model Simca 8/ 1200, Vehicules Utilitaires special issue Automobilia No. 497-11/ 1947, sales folder with 3 flyers by Simca 8, fold-out brochure models... more

714 - SKODA
mixed lot with 8 pieces, Skoda sales catalogs, brochures, from 1946-1965 among it: Skoda 1200, 1202 Bestelwagen, Ruimte Serie, 63, Octavia estate wagon, Octavia, Dutch text, good condition with slight traces of usage, with notes and dealer's stamp

715 - SKODA
mixed lot with 12 pieces, Skoda sales catalogs, brochures, from 1946-1965 among it: Skoda 1202, Octavia estate wagon, special issue "Auto-Revue"- No.12 from 1952, 1200, 8 pages long press reports Octavia from 1959, 4 price lists, 440, Dutch text, good condition with slight traces of usage, with... more

716 - SKODA
mixed lot with 10 pieces, Skoda sales catalogs, brochures, from 1946-1965, among it: Skoda Felicia, Octavia, special newspaper 100 years Skoda, model program '60, Octavia estate wagon, 440, 1201, 1200, German text, good condition with slight traces of usage, with notes and dealer's stamp

717 - SKODA
mixed lot with 11 pieces, Skoda sales catalogs, brochures, from 1946-1965 among it: Skoda 1202, Felicia, Octavia, 1200, 440, 1201, German text, good condition with slight traces of usage, with notes and dealer's stamp

718 - SKODA
mixed lot with 12 pieces, Skoda sales catalogs, brochures, from 1946-1965 among it: Skoda 1200, 440, 445, 450, Motor Review issue 02/1958, Octavia, Felicia, model program '61, English text, good condition with slight traces of usage, with notes and dealer's stamp

719 - SKODA
mixed lot with 6 pieces, Skoda sales catalogs, brochures, from 1946-1965 among it: Skoda Octavia, Felicia, Skoda 440, French text, good condition with slight traces of usage, with notes and dealer's stamp

mixed lot with 15 pieces, Vauxhall sales catalogs, brochures, from 1940-1950,among it: The "14", The "12", Bedford PC Vans, The "25", The New Vauxhall "12", The New Vauxhall "10",Preisliste´46, English text, The Vauxhall "12 & 14" (NL),Vauxhall 10/4, 12/4, 14/6, Saloons, Advance Information 1940 10... more