Online Auction September 2020
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mixed lot of books with 5 pieces, among it: "Graf Berghe von Trips, eine Deutsche Rennfahrerkarriere", enlarged/extended special edition, by Födisch and Louis, Heel Verlag, "Vom Cadillac zum Studebaker", by Alberto Martinez and Jean Loup Nory, Motorbuch Verlag, "Die Europäischen Traumautos... more

mixed lot of books with 5 pieces, among it: "Gesichter des Rennsports", photographies by Benno Müller with texts by Eberhard Reuß, Motorbuch Verlag, Ayrton Senna by Ivan Rendall "Erinnerungen an den unsterblichen Champion", Heel Verlag, "Circuit de SPA Francorchamps" by Patrick Sinnibaldi, ETAI... more

mixed lot of books, with 5 pieces, among it: "Nürburgring 75 Jahre, eine Rennstrecke im Rückspiegel", by Berhndt / Födisch, Heel Verlag, Auto Motor Sport Edition, "Porsche", Jo Siffert by Oliver Marin & Michael Janvier, "50 Jahre Formel 1", by Eberhard Reuß, Motorbuch Verlag Spezial, "Mit offenem... more

mixed lot of books, 5 pieces, among it: Grand Prix Report, Auto Union 1934-1939 by Peter Kirchberg, Motorbuch Verlag, Mercedes benz W 196 by Michael Riedner, Motorbuch Verlag Stuttgart, Formule 1 1986: La revanche by Hachette / Vandystadt, "Das Auto von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart" by Gary... more

mixed lot of books, 5 pieces, among it: Bernd Rosemeyer "Mein Mann der Rennfahrer" by Elly Beinhorn, Herbig Verlag, "Vom Nürburgring nach Indianapolis" by Tommaso Tommasi, Südwest Verlag München, "Stars und Sportcars" by Marianne Fürstin zu Sayn Wittgenstein, Delius Klasing Verlag, "Verstummte... more

mixed lot of books, 5 pieces, among it: "Cuircuit de Reims", by Jean Pierre Jarier / Sinibaldi, French text, Photo Forme 1, "Die besten Photographien aus dem Auto Jahr 1953-1978", Motorbuch Verlag, racing driver by Benno Müller, book is damaged, volume is loose, racing driver death "50 Tragische... more

mixed lot of books, with 5 pieces, among it: "The Day I Died" by Mark Kahn, Gentry Books London, English text, "Graf Behrge von Trips", Krüger Verlag Dortmund, "Renn Report 5" by Eddie Guba, Motorbuch Verlag, "Das Große buch vom Rallyesport" by Herbert Völker Orac Verlag, Villa Trips "Museum für... more

mixed lot of books, with 5 pieces among it: "1972 Ein Rennen mit Clay Regazzoni" by Preising & Höltschi, "Clay Regazzonin Der Unzerstörbare" by Regazzoni / De Agostini, "Die Jim Clark Story" by Bill Gavin, mvg Verlag, "Als Favorit am Start" by Jim Clark, modern Verlags GmbH, "Nigel Mansell" by... more

mixed lot of books, 5 pieces, among it: "Die Angst bleibt an den Boxen. Hinter den Kulissen des Motorsports" by Helmut Zwickl, "Die rasantesten Rallyes der Welt" by Isenberg & Maxeiner, Falken Verlag, Trucks "Giganten de Landstraßen in aller Welt", Falken Verlag, "Raketen auf Rädern , Autos und... more

mixed lot of books, 5 pieces, among it: "Testfahrer und Autospione: Abenteuer mit geheimen Automobilen" by Maxeiner and Lehmann, Motorsport Verlag, "Mit Linienbussen um die Welt" by Isenberg, Orac Pietsch Verlag, "Rennfahrer" by Benno Müller and Richard von Frankenberg, Motorbuch Verlag, "Die... more

mixed lot of books, 5 pieces, among it: "Die Großen Fahrer unserer Zeit" by Richard von Frankenberg, Motorbuch Verlag, "Profis auf vier Rädern" "Der Grand Prix Fahrer Report" by Richard Garett, "Die verrückteten Autorennen der Welt" by Isenberg, "Die schnellsten Autos der Welt" by Isenberg and... more

mixed lot of books , 5 pieces, among it: "Die Zeit im Nacken.Rallyes und ihre Stars", foreword by Helmut Zwickl, Verlag Ueberreuter, 1953 "um Meter und Sekunden" by M.v. Brauchitsch Verlag der Nation Berlin, "Motorrad Weltmeisterschaft 76" by Volker Rauch, Motorsport Verlag, "Enzo Ferrari" by Gino... more

mixed lot of books, 5 pieces, among it: "Fünfter Gang voll !" "Die großen Rennen" by Helmut Zwickl, Ueberreuther Verlag, "Hallo Fahrerlager 2 " by Rainer Braun," Die unterhaltsame Zeitreise durch 45 Jahre Reporterleben geht weiter" "Die berühmtesten Rennstrecken der Welt" by Richard von Frankenberg,... more

mixed lot of books, 5 pieces, among it: "Die Eroberung des Sinnlosen:Die wilden Jahre der Formel 1" with a foreword by Sir Sterling Moss, Nürburgring "Tradition und Fortschritt" by Luki Scheuer, Rhenania Verlag, "Die besten Elf" by Helmut Sohre, tall Verlag, "Hallo Fahrerlager 3" by Rainer Braun,... more

mixed lot of books 5 pieces, among it: "Rennsport 7 , Motorsportbuch" 1974 by Eddie Guba, book damaged and partially loose pages , "Die Geschichte der Zukunft von Mercedes Benz", "Die großen Fahrer unserer Zeit" by Richard von Frankenberg: Ayrton Senna "Hart am Rande des Genies" by Christopher... more

mixed lot of books, 5 pieces, among it: "Vollgas ist ihr täglich Brot:Das 500 Meilen Rennen von Indianapolis" by Helmut Zwickl, Motorsport Verlag, Damals "Als Sex noch sicher und die Formel1 gefährlich war" by Helmut Zwickl, gefco Verlag, "Mann am Volant", Nikolai von Michalewsky, "Autodrom 7,... more

mixed lot of books, 5 pieces, among it: "Wie komm ich bloß vom Rennsport los", by Dieter Quester, Clay Regazzoni, Italian text, partially damaged and loose pages , "Graham Hill", Italian text, partially damaged and loose pages , Mario Andretti, "Ein As der Formel 1" by Roebuck and Andretti,... more

mixed lot of books; 5 pieces; among it: "John Player Motorsport Yearbook 1976", Edited by Barrie Gill, Grand Prix "Die Rennen zur Automobilweltmeisterschaft" 1966 by Ulrich Schwab, Motorbuch Verlag, "Tagebuch eines Rennfahrers" by Hans Stuck, moderne Verlag, Jack Brabham "Weltmeister auf eigenem... more

mixed lot of books, 5 pieces, among it: "Ford GT 40 Prototypen und Sportwagen" by David Hodges, Motorsport Verlag, "Das große Rennfahrerbuch" by Erwin Tragatsch, Hallwag Verlag, "Das Jahr der blauen Reiter" by Herbert Völker, Orac Verlag, "Porsche Turbo Stories" by the Porsche Museum, BMW Museum,... more

mixed lot with 37 pieces, newspapers / journals / Magazine among it: 1971 Racing Scene Indianapolis 500, English text, 5 x engine catalog, 100 sports cars volume 13, 5th, 6th, and 7th edition, racing car, race-courses, racing driver, volume 9 2nd and 3, edition, Silberpfeile at the start,"Ein... more

mixed lot of books, 2 pieces among it: acrobats on three wheels "Der Siegeszug deutscher Renngespanne" by Wolfgang Gruber, Porsche posters, poster, Affiches by Jürgen Lewandowski, Verlag Stadler

book, "The Golden Age of Formula 1" by Rainer Schlegelmilch, text by Hartmut Lehbrink, teNeues Verlag

book, "Auto Motor Sport, 60 Jahre Formel 1" by Michael Schmidt, Motorsport Verlag

book, 1970 Jackie Stewart World Champion, Jackie Stewart and Eric Dymock

book, Matra La Saga 1965-1982 by Jose Rosinski, E.T.A.I. Verlag, French text

book, Nuvolari "Aus dem Leben des Großen Rennfahrers, der eine Epoche verkörperte" autographed by Rico Steinemann 1967, mvg-modern verlags GmbH

book, Colin Chapman "Der Mann und seine Autos" Gerrard (Jabby) Crombac foreword by Enzo Ferrari, Serag Verlag

book,1966 "30 Jahre Rennen" by Edgar Barth, mvg Verlag

book autographed with dedication Rauno Aaltonen, Porsche project 928 by Julius Weitmann & Rico Steinemann "Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Porsche 928 von der Entwurfsskizze bis zur Serienreife", Motorsport Verlag

book, "Mont Ventoux" by Aurice Louche, 75 ans de sports mecaniques 1902-1976 prefare de Maurice Trintignat, French text

book, "Mythos Solitude: 100 Jahre Solitude-Rennen", 2002 by Tobias Aichele Solitude Revival,

book, Ferrari by Enzo Ferrari, Piloti, che gente…, Conti Editore, German text in slipcase

book, "Motor Racing Photography" by Werner Eisele, Working Art

book, "Grand Prix - Gedanken vor dem Start"Fieger, Erwin, this collector's edition was published as small edition with numbered and autographed specimens, this volume encloses the number 295, autographed by Erwin Flieger and Dieter Korp, in the slipcase

book, "25 Jahre Automobil Sport Fotografie", Robert R. Kroeschel, Serag Verlag in the slipcase

book, "Wolfgang Graf Berghe von Trips" pictures Julius J. Weitmann, text Richard von Frankenberg, Motor Presse Verlag Stuttgart, this collector's edition was dedicated to the fatal injured racing driver Graf Trips , was produced as a small edition with numbered and autographed copies, this volume... more

Grand Prix Automobile de Monaco 1929-1996. 4 volumes complete part 1: 1929 - 1955, part 2: 1956 - 1969, part 3: 1970 - 1982, part 4: 1983 - 1996, in the slipcase

book, "Bergrekord am Schauinsland Die Geschichte des berühmten ADAC Bergrennens" by Henning Volle, EK Verlag

mixed lot of books 2 pieces among it: "Mein Mann der Rennfahrer" by Elly Rosemeyer Beinhorn, Copyright 1938, Im Deutschen Verlag Berlin, ring binder " Mc Laren Racing Sports Cars for 1971"

art printing, Graham Hill B.R.M. P261 / Monaco 1964 Craig Warwick, limited No. 455 from 499, 70x49.5 cm, autographed by Craig Warwick,

poster, 1969 Grand Prix of the United States, Watkins Glen, New York, USA - October 5, 71 x x51 cm , edges arecreased , several holes, corners left down below and and right at the top are missing c. 1 cm

1006 - ITALERI
model car, handiwork model, FIAT 806, Grand Prix scale 1:12, 32x13 cm, windowpane is damaged, otherwise good condition

wood steering wheel by Les Leston, probably Porsche hub, aluminum with horn button diameter= 28 cm

mixed lot with 5 pieces, among it: double DVD, Jo Siffert "Live Fast Die Young", a film by Men Lareida, 2 DVDs Special edition, double DVD Faszintion, "Die Geschichte der Marke Mercedes Benz" more than 6 hours DVD footage, DVD fascination 1000 Miglia, "Das Traditionsreichste Straßenrennen der Welt",... more

1009 - NISSAN
Nissan press kits, mixed lot with 3-pieces, among it the press kit from 350Z from 2003, press kit Nissan Primera in an aluminum cover with many slides from 1996, press kit by Nissan " Chassis Technical Meeting" all items in good condition

Sep 18th 1949, 9 original B/W photos, among it Wilhelm Herz in a NSU, Schmid/Mittelmeyer in a NSU sidecar, Georg Maier in a BMW, Kraus, Fleischmann…mainly 13x18cm

mixed lot of 14 original B/W photos, among it Grand Prix Solitude 1956, Noll/Cron in a BMW, Ubbiali in a MV Augusta, Hollaus, Hallmeier in a Adler etc., different formats

1012 - Eugen K. Schwarz
Leitz file with many reports (typewriter), among it results of the "Großen Preise auf der Solitude" 1952-1962, with average speeds, "Unvergessene Solitude Teil II, Renn-Kaleidoskop 1952-1965"- for Motorrad Classic…c. 100 pages, very interesting