Online Auction March 2021
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oil cooler Porsche 356, with traces of usage

434 - BOSCH
mixed lot with 52 pieces, folders Bosch replacement parts, built-in headlight, 1958-65,

calendar 1961 "Mercedes-Benz 75 Jahre Motorisierung des Verkehrs", slight contamination at the cover, kinks, torn carboard back, otherwise good condition

mixed lot with 30 pieces, 1 silver tumbler "ADAC Wertungsfahrten 1927", hallmark Krone 800, 5x4cm, Alsatian with waggle head, 11x9x4cm, 4 badges BMW, enameled, 3x3cm, 6 badges BMW, copper blanks, 18 sticker "ADAC Sport Württemberg", all in good condition

horn, brass, 37x23cm, rubber ball is brittle, otherwise good condition,

Bosch horns, 2 sound, HO/ESA 12 B 1 and 2, suitable for Mercedes-Benz, 44x27x14cm, used condition

car jack Elite MFG Co. "Ashland 0", heavy version for truck, '30s, 50x18x10cm, used condition

HECO loudspeaker, hammer paint, with volume knob at the side, '50s, e.g. for VW T1, 20x19x9cm, used condition

441 - VDO, VW
2x dashboard instruments, fuel gauge with signal lamps, e.g. for VW T1/T2, 9x9cm, used condition

442 - BENZ &CO. AG
vehicle tools, Benz &Co. AG Mannheim, around 1910, used condition

Mercedes-BenzTyp 170, wheelbrace with folding pawl and joint (1365810001), Matador, used condition

Contax direction indicator, 47707, 12 V, '20s, 35x17x17cm, one glass is cracked, used condition

445 - JAGUAR
writing desk pen holder, Jaguar radiator mascot and brass pen holder with ball joint on a wood base, 20x10x5cm, good condition

oil replenishing-glass bottle by BV-Aral gas station, with sheet metal nozzle with seal, '30s, 31x11x11cm, good condition

mixed lot , vehicle tools/wrench, among others Flugfabrik Ulm, WFR, Elora, Fiat, used condition

448 - MOMO
'60s, wood sport steering wheel Daytona by Momo, 37x37cm, as good as new original condition with storage traces, with advertising brochure "Momo-Tradition und Qualität", 1984,

449 - Auto Union DKW
1956-63, mixed lot with 5 pieces, workshop-manual DKW-automobiles 3=6, 1956, operating instruction Auto Union 1000/1000 S, 1962, with circuit diagram, customer service book Auto Union 1000, 1963, 1 steering wheel, ivory-colored, with pillar and steering lock for DKW 3=6/Auto Union 1000,2... more

1964, operating instruction national Porsche 356 C, with circuit diagram, handwritten owner name inside, otherwise good condition

1982, 2 x advertising brochure "Porsche-Exclusives Reisegepäck", manufacturer Seeger, 4 pages, good condition

1984, image brochure "Porsche-Orte, Leuten, Zahlen", 32 pages, 1988, image brochure "Porsche Langzeitgarantie-Das Ergebnis der Porsche Langzeitforschung", 16 pages, good condition

1978, advertising brochure "Original Porsche Zubehör, 18 Seiten, 1982, Werbebroschüre "Porsche advertising items, 26 pages, with price list, good condition

1985, advertising brochure "Porsche 911 Carrera", 40 pages, overview of prices Porsche 911 Carrera, 911 Turbo, 1985, fold-out brochure "Porsche und Umwelt", 16 pages, 1986, sales catalog "Porsche 911 Carrera", 7 x "Christophorus", 1986-94, etc., nice lot, good condition

late '70s-'80s, sales catalogs, advertising brochures, price lists, colors and interior fittings among others Porsche911 SC Turbo/convertible, 924, 944, 928 S, nice lot , 10 pieces, good condition

1970, Mercedes-Benz folder with 1 service booklet with entries, 1 service booklet Aggregate with entries, 2 x operating instruction 280 SE, 280 SEL, W108, edition C, used condition

1979/80, sales brochures among others 280,380,500SLC, optional equipments, standard varnish, customer service stations etc., a nice lot, 10 pieces, good condition

1968, operating instruction Mercedes-Benz 280 SE coupé/convertible, W111, edition A/1, good condition

1969, operating instruction Mercedes-Benz 280 SE 3.5 coupé/convertible, W111, edition A, good condition

1967, operating instruction Mercedes-Benz 280 SE, W108, edition A, strongly used and operating instruction Mercedes-Benz 280 S,SE,SEL, 1972, W108, edition H/1, good condition

461 - BMW
1957, operating instruction BMW 501 6 cylinder, good condition

462 - BMW
1957, operating instruction BMW 501 8 cylinder, 502 2,6 liter, 502 3.2 liter V8, good condition

463 - BMW
1961, operating instruction BMW 2.6/2.6 Luxus,3.2/3.2 Super V 8, used condition

464 - BMW
1962, operating instruction BMW 3200 CS, good condition

465 - BMW
1962, "Verzeichnis der BMW-Händler und Vertrags-Werkstätten", in the original case, good condition

466 - BMW
1962, "Service BMW 2.6/2.6 Luxus,3.2/3.2 Super,503,507", with entries, with 2 folded charts always with 8 pages, in theoriginal envelope, used condition

1965, operating instruction DKW F 102, list of customer services Germany and Europe, replacement parts catalog Auto Union 1000, 1962, used condition

468 - BMW
mixed lot with 29 pieces, sales brochures 3.0 CS, 5 series, price list 1994, repair instructions 501/A/B/6/8, 502 etc., 20 x "BMW Veteranen-Club Deutschland Club-Nachrichten", 1978-87, good condition

mixed lot with 9 pieces, various sales brochures among others Beetle, Alfa Spider, Audi A6/S6, good condition

470 - BMW
BMW-steering wheel E 30, used condition

471 - Triumpf
for Triumpf Stag, 1 oil cooler, complete, with connections, 3 cylinder seals, 2 exterior mirrors, electrical adjustable, left and right, 1 clutch master cylinder, all NOS, 1 x electronic ignition, not complete

'50s, driver glasses, missing head band, used, with 2 new spare glasses, in its original package

473 - VDO
1 x dashboard clock VDO 311919203, 12 V, for VW 1200,1300,1500, 1 x VW-dashboard clock VDO 133919203, 12 V, 1 x dashboard clock VDO 214/3/3, 12 V, for Mercedes-Benz, function of all items wasn't tested, used condition

474 - BECKER
Becker Grand Prix BE 1311, function wasn't tested, visually good condition

mixed lot with 16 pieces, replacement parts-mishmash, among others oil filter, brake discs, mirror glass, gasoline cock VW beetle, logbooks with entries, partially new

476 - RAID
Raid sport steering wheel, hub probably Porsche, used

mixed lot with 77 pieces, among others journals Auto Motor und Sport, 1975-88, BMW magazine 1982-902, repair books among others BWM, VW, DKW, used condition

mixed lot with 47 pieces, among others journals Motorrad 1979-81, HP 1979-81, Hobby 1955-58, repair guidances, catalogs etc., used condition

1975, 2 image brochures, Porsche 911, 911S, Carrera, Turbo, always 36 pages, Porsche "Die technischen Daten 1975", 6 pages, good condition

1984, Porsche "Sonderwunsch-Programm", 12 pages, good condition