Online Auction March 2020
Online Auction March 2020 - Page 16/21
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721 - NISSAN
advertising catalog 1969 " A guide to NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD." good condition with slight traces of usage

722 - LANCIA
sales catalog, Lancia 2000, good condition with traces of usage

model program Ferrari, with the print number 409/86, 328, 3.2 Mondial, 412, Testarossa

sales brochure, Dino 308 GT 4, print number 98/74, good condition with traces of usage

725 - FIAT
sales brochure Fiat 500, Dutch text, good condition with slight traces of usage

mixed lot with 7 pieces among it: advertising catalogs/sales brochures Granduca Motorcaravans 1992, Caravans International, Heku camping vans, Pilote camping vans 1992, Weinsberg Motor Caravans, flyer, Mitsubishi L 300 camper Burow, 1992, Dehtleffs price list 92, German text, good condition with... more

advertising brochure, Motorcaravans 1992

mixed lot with 2 pieces, among it: sales catalog Renault 4, fold-out brochure, "Der neue Renault 4".

mixed lot with 3 pieces, among it: fold-out brochure Renault 8, sales catalog Renault R8, "Die Pioniertat: 4 Scheiben Bremsen", color chart 1969 automobiles, German text, good condition with traces of usage

730 - NSU
mixed lot with 3 pieces, among it sales brochure: NSU-Prinz 4, magazine "Mit Herz und Verstand Autofahren" fold-out brochure "Überlegen Sie mal" good condition with traces of usage

mixed lot with 3 pieces, among it fold-out brochure Rambler 1962, sales brochure Rambler American, Classic6 V-8, Ambassador V-8, Custom Sedan, Rambler Classic 6 and V-8, Preisliste 1961: Rambler American, Classic, Ambassador models, good condition with traces of usage

fold-out brochure, Morris Cooper Super, condition: strongly damaged at the edges

733 - SAAB
mixed lot, among it: 1 sales catalog, Saab 93 convertible, Saab) 3 convertible equipment and prices May 2004, information sheets, among it: "Die neue Turbo-Philosophie von Saab", the Saab turbo engine, technical data Saab Turbo, sales brochure Saab Turbo, flyer Saab 99L, price list Saab 1978,... more

734 - NSU/FIAT
mixed lot with 2 pieces 1 x sales brochure NSU Neckar, 1 x price list Fiat edition No. 34 August 1965, good condition with traces of usage

735 - FIAT
mixed lot with 3 pieces, among it: fold-out brochure Fiat 600 " Das Röntgenbild zeigt seine ideale Raumaufteilung", German text flyer Fiat 600 French text, flyer Fiat " Preisgünstige Motorüberholung durch fabrikneuen Teilmotor", good condition with traces of usage

736 - FORD
mixed lot with 3 pieces, among it: the new Taunus 12M,15M, press report 12M,15M, fold-out brochure, Taunus 12M, German text, good condition with traces of usage

737 - VESPA
fold-out brochure Vespa 400, German text, good condition, with traces of usage

sales brochure "New Corvette1963" , English text with traces of usage, punched, some pages are stained and damaged

739 - VW
flyer, Volkswagen 1200 convertible, German text, good condition, with traces of usage

740 - VW
sales brochure VW convertible, c. 1961 German text, good condition with traces of usage

741 - BMW
mixed lot with 2 pieces, among it: sales brochure 1966 BMW 2000, 1966 offer BMW saloon with technical data, good condition with traces of usage

742 - BMW
1966 fold-out brochure, "Das Programm der neuen Klasse": 1600, 1800,2000, tilux, ti, 2000 CS, German text, good condition, with traces of usage

743 - BMW
mixed lot with 4 pieces 1965 sales brochure BMW 1600, French text flyer, "Die neue Klasse BMW 1600", German text flyer, "Die neue Klasse BMW 1600", price list BMW 1600 March 1964, generally good condition with traces of usage

744 - GLAS
mixed lot with 2 pieces, among it: 1966 sales brochure Glas, 1700/1700 TS, fold-out brochure Glas 1700 Palette 66, good condition with traces of usage

745 - FIAT
mixed lot with 2 pieces, sales brochure, Fiat 124 c. 1966, fold-out brochure Fiat 124 Special, c. 1967, German text, good condition with traces of usage

746 - FIAT
mixed lot with 2 pieces, fold-out brochure, Fiat 1500C, c. 1962, test report Fiat 1300/1500, special print ( reprint of the Neckar Echo 7/1962, German text, good condition with traces of usage

fold-out brochure, Auto Union 1000 S Coupe de Luxe, German text, good condition

1978 sales brochure Porsche 924, 911 SC, Turbo, 928, German text, good condition

749 - VW
mixed lot with 2 pieces flyer, Installation Procedure Judson Model VW Supercharger (Details furnished with supercharger), fold-out brochure, Supercharge your VW with the Judson Supercharger,good condition with traces of usage

1958 ocean freight invoice for loading of a Porsche type 356 1600, good condition, punched

1951 Tempo Matador, parts catalog edition July, good condition with traces of usage

752 - VW
mixed lot with 2 pieces, among it: brochure "VW Ersatzteile Austausch-Dienst", German text, good condition, punched, manual 1957"The Volkswagen," "Complete Owners Handbook of Repair and Maintenance" English text, good condition with traces of usage

1952 Tempo Hanseat operating instruction, edition August, 51 pages, good condition with traces of usage

1908 book "Peking - Paris Eine Wettfahrt durch Asien und Europa in sechzig Tagen" by Luigi Barzini, good condition for its age, back of book is damaged

mixed lot ofbooks, 2 pieces, 1924 Autotechnische Bibliothek 47 "König Chauffeur Kursus" 1919 Autotechnische Bibliothek 47"König Chauffeur Kursus" good condition with traces of usage

mixed lot of books,2 pieces, 1955 Karl Kling -Günther Molter "Jagd nach dem Sieg", R.v. Frankenberg " Hohe Schule des Fahrens" good condition with traces of usage

USA '40s, MACK (Trucks) radiator mascot on a wood base, Designed by A.F. Masury (1932). chromium-plated casting, total height: 19cm, heightof figure: 15cm, depth: 12cm, good condition

used men's bike completly chrome-plated, by the brand Raleigh Nottingham England, Weinmann brakes, Sachs Torpedo three speed gearing system, leather saddle with suspension, chrome-plated air pump and lighting, tires of the brand Schwalbe without air, condition is caused of old age

mixed lot with 3 pieces, among it: 1 poster, Easter Nürburgring, Interserie Can Am 300 km race, 59x42 with traces of folding, 1 x reader circle edition "Auto und Kraftrad" No. 2 1952, with traces of usage, 1 x advertising sign "Zeppelin Weinbrand" sheet metal coated with plastic (orginal Imoglas) ,... more

760 - VW/AUDI
gearshift VW/Audi with thread, lenght: 29cm, part number 113711121C, good condition

761 - VW
mixed lot with 2 pieces 1 x fold-out brochure VW 1969 "Volkswagen verschenkt 40 VW´s" German text, good condition, 1 x sales brochure VW "Der Käfer und seine Nachkommen 1969" German text, good condition

762 - WMF
winner's cup AMC- Hochtaunus N´ Reifenberg MERAN 1960, height: 9cm

763 - WMF
winner's cup AMC- Hochtaunus- MERAN 1959, height: 9cm

764 - WMF
winner's cup AMC- Hochtaunus N´ Reifenberg MERAN 1957, height: 9cm

765 - WMF
winner's cup AMC- Hochtaunus N´ Reifenberg 1956, height: 9cm

766 - WMF
winner's cup AMC- Hochtaunus N´ Reifenberg MERAN 1958, height: 9cm

767 - WMF
winner's cup AMC- Hochtaunus N´ Reifenberg MERAN 1957, height: 9cm

768 - WMF
winner's cup AMC- Hochtaunus-Meran 1959, height: 9cm