Spring Auction 2021
Spring Auction 2021 - Page 62/71
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3004 - JLO
mixed lot with 2 pieces, among it 1938 sales catalog JLO engines, 32 pages, list of replacement parts JLO engine MG 125 E, both in good condition

3005 - VEB/IFA
mixed lot with 9 pieces, among it badge "Verdienstvoller Mitarbeiter"in case, pennant VEB Sachsenring Automobilwerke Zwickau, different badges, patch and a silver coin Trabant, good condition

mixed lot with 7 pieces, among it 1959 two ring binder sales catalogs, fold-out brochure VW 1500 Karmann Ghia convertible, sales catalog Karmann Ghia, fold-out brochure Volkswagen convertible, sales catalog VW 1500, sales catalog Volkswagen 1600, all German text, partially with traces of usage

3007 - ZüNDAPP
mixed lot with 7 pieces, brochure material Frischer Wind, Zündapp novelties, light motorcycles etc. 1950-1970, with traces of usage

3008 - TRABANT
mixed lot with 14 pieces, repair instructions, operating instructions, list of replacement parts etc., good condition

3009 - HANSA
mixed lot with 2 pieces, 1935 operating instruction Hansa 1100/1700, fold-out brochure Goliath Hansa 1100, 6 pages, good condition

mixed lot with 7 pieces, motorbike brochures Pannonia, with magazine "Unser Motorrad", good condition

mixed lot with 9 pieces, sales brochures, among it '60s Renault, Peugeot, Simca...'70s/'80s Opel, Audi...,

mixed lot of 13 tickets and pendants, Sachsenring 1949, 1950, 1960, 1961...etc.,

3013 - HANOMAG
mixed lot with 2 pieces, among it 1937 sales catalog Hanomag Kurier 23 HP, 1959 fold-out brochure Hanomag Garant/3 tonner, good condition

3014 - IFA
mixed lot with 3 pieces, among it a pennant, fold-out brochure range of types and sales folder, good condition

mixed lot with 4 books, among it "Der Gasgenerator"by Kroll, "Praxis Auto Elektriker"by Popp, "Konstruktion moderner Automobil- und Kraftradmotoren"by Riedl, "Das Automobil"Opel, all with traces of usage

3016 - ABARTH
mixed lot of 2 pieces, "Edgar Schwyn News", newspaper by the Swiss Abarth importer, 1964, 12 pages, sales program Abarth- Automobile, only pictures, c. 1965, DIN A 4 with traces of folding, both in German, good condition

3017 - ALBANY
sales brochure "Presenting the Albany Motor Car", 4 pages, with insert sheet "Specification of Albany Vintage Car", 3 pages view, technical data, English, good condition

mixed lot with 7 pieces, sales brochure Alpina-programme with prices 1983, fold-out brochure with 12 pages, 4 x brief description with price, Alpina B6, B 7 Turbo, B 9, C1, 1983, sales brochure "Alpina-automobile Meisterwerke" 1988, fold-out brochure with 10 pages with inside small poster, price... more

3019 - ALPINE
programme, price list, typed, 1 page, 1962, French, good condition

3020 - ARO
mixed lot with 9 pieces, sales brochure M-461, 4 pages, sale offer and accessory list, typed, 2 pages, 1971, sales brochure 10 all-wheel, 4 pages, price list, sales brochure Familia S/MLS, 24, 2 pages, German, partially French/Dutch, good condition

3021 - AUSTIN
mixed lot with 64 pieces, 1963-1999. sales brochures and catalogs, price lists, dealer list, among others Austin Maxi/HL/1750 HL, Mini Metro, Montego, Princess 1800/2200, Seven, Cooper, Mini 850/MKII/Special/1000, Mini Mayfair, German, few English, extensive, nice lot, good condition

mixed lot with 7 pieces, 1966-68, sales brochures and catalogs, among others Sprite MK II/III/IV, 3000 Convertible/MK III Convertible, German, once in English, good condition

1965, sales brochure Primula, 8 pages, German, good condition

3024 - FERRARI
mixed lot of 4 photo postcards '70s Ferrari factory Maranello, 10x15cm, good condition

1965, sales program passenger car, 14 pages, among others Chaika, Volga, Moskvitch, sales program motorbikes, 24 pages, among others Planeta, Jupiter, K-750, 4 languages, with letter dated 1964, good condition

3026 - AVANTI, USA
1969, sales brochure/image brochure "Avant II- Bench Made-Handbuilt-Custom Crafted", special print Road &Track, 6 pages, traces of folding, English, with letter dated 1968, good condition

1983, sales catalog, 16 pages, price list 1983, German, with letter dated 1983, good condition

3028 - BERLIET
1962, 2 sales brochures, always with 2 pages, truck GCK 8, articulated lorry TRK 10, German, good condition

3029 - BITTER
1984-85, 2 sales brochures, Bitter Coupé, 4 pages, Bitter SC Spider, 4 pages, German, good condition

3030 - BOND,GB
1963-67, 4 sales brochures among others 250 G Ranger, Estate Ranger, 875 MKII, English, good condition

3031 - BONNET
1964, price list Missile/Le Mans/Djet, 1 page, in French, good condition

1959-61, mixed lot with 5 pieces, sales brochures B 522/555/655, truck programme, German, good condition

1966, sales brochure, 4200 GT, fold-out brochure with 6 pages, Portuguese, and letter dated 1965, good condition

3034 - BRISTOL
1963/64, 2 sales brochures, Bristol 408, 4 pages, Bristol 407, 8 pages, special print Road Test Bristol 410 and 411, 1968/71, punched, in the file, English, good condition

3035 - BüSSING
1962-70, mixed lot with 37 pieces, sales brochures and catalogs, type sheets, among others BS 11-22, Commodore, KMS 12, dumper, Senator, president, trucks, Trambuses, with letter Büssing Schmücker Automobil-Gesellschaft Essen, German, extensive, nice lot, good condition

1991, sales brochure Malibu (basis VW bus), 4 pages, German, good condition

1963, 2 sales brochures Marathon, 4 pages, and Marathon, Superba, 12 pages, English, good condition

1963-65, 5 sales brochures, Royal V8, Dodge Phoenix, Simca Aronde, Valiant, Valiant Wayfarer, and small greeting card "With the compliments of Chrysler Australia limited", English, good condition

3039 - Classic Cars, FRG
1983, vintage car replica, types-programme with prices, 4 sheets, 6 pages, among others Bugatti 35 B, Mercedes SS 1929, Blower-Phaeton, German, with letter Classic-Car Oldtimer dated 1983, good condition

3040 - COMMER, GB
1963, 2 sales brochures, Commer ¾ ton, 6 pages, in English, Commer 8 tons, 6 pages, German, good condition

3041 - CONY, JAPAN
1964-67, 6 sales brochures, 360 Coach Light Van/ Deluxe/ Truck, English, 2 x Japanese, with letter "Aichi Machine Industry Company"good condition

3042 - CORD, USA
1964/65, image brochure "The Indestructable Cord", 12 pages, sales brochure model 8/10 Sportsman, 3 sheets, Sales Order, blank, English, good condition

1965, 2 sales brochures, MG-B 1800 berlinette, 6 pages, French, MB-B 1800 GTO Coupé, 6 pages, German, with letter Abarth Carrosserie Jacques Coune dated 1965, good condition

3044 - DAF
1963-70, mixed lot with 13 pieces, sales brochures and catalogs, type sheets, price list and color plate, among others truck 1700/ 1900/ 2100/ 2600, Daffodil, 44, 55, 55 coupé, German, 1 x French, good condition

1964, sales brochure, 301 1 Litre GT, 6 pages, English, good condition

3046 - DEHLER, FRG
1990, sales brochure "Die neuen Dehler-Mobile", 4 pages, one corner is torn, delivery contents and prices, 4 pages, German, good condition

'80s, sales brochure type 55, 2 pages, German, good condition

1963, sales brochure Ford Taunus 12 M (P4) convertible, 2 pages, German, with traces of folding, otherwise good condition

1962-66, mixed lot with 16 pieces, sales brochures and catalogs, price lists, among others F 102, Audi 1000 SP, F12 Roadster, Junior de Luxe, Munga, German, extensive, nice lot, good condition

1965, 3 sales brochures, Belcar 1001, 2 x Vemaguet 1001, Portuguese, good condition, 1 brochure with traces of folding

1965, Fact Sheet "Four Door Sedan", 3 DIN A 4 pages, typed, 2 photo prints, with descriptionon the back , with envelope, the envelope is slightly dirty, English, otherwise good condition