Autumn Auction 2019
Automobilia Catalog - Page 68/81
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mixed lot of books 9 editions "Style Auto" by Mario Dinarchi, among it editions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 (in the dust cover), 14, 23, 25, 36, good condition

6114 - FERRARI
mixed lot with 7 pieces, among it the book "Ferrari" by Rainer W. Schlegelmilch, Hartmut Lehbrink and Jochen von Osterroth, book "Ferrari Motoren - 15 Triebwerksikonen von 1947 bis Heute", by Francesco Reggani/Keith Bluemel, brochure "Emozioni 19" annual overview 2019 by Ferrari Eberlein Automobile... more

poster "Internationales Hansapokal Rennen" June 28th/29th 1969 on the Nürburgring 60x42cm, with bad spot on the upper left edge, and further slight flaws at the edges

1961, advertisement poster/fold-out brochure "Ein neuer überlegener Rallye-Sieg mit Mercedes-Benz 220SE", 94x31cm with 6 images of the Rallye International Alger Centralafrique.

programme booklet "ADAC-1000Km-Rennen auf dem Nürburgring" May 19th 1968, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

programmes Grand Prix of Germany world championship race for motorbikes Nürburgring April 20th/21st 1968, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

programme booklet "32. Internationales ADAC-Eifelrennen Nürburgring Nordschleife" April 26th/27th 1969, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

programme booklet "XXIII. Internationales ADAC-Eifelrennen" July 10th 1960 Nürburgring south loop, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

poster "2. Renn- und Industieschau 19-22.05.1972 Nürburgring", 64x42cm, poster is folded, otherwise good condition

poster "10. Internationales ADAC 500Km Rennen und deutscher Motorrad Meisterschaftslauf" Sep 7th 1969, 60x40cm, poster is folded, otherwise good condition

poster Nürburgring Show August 9th-11th 1974 and II. international race for historical racing cars and motorbikes, with motif Bugatti type 35, 60x40cm, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

poster "1000Km Rennen Markenweltmeister" on the Nürburgring, May 27th/28th 1972, 60x40cm, poster is folded, otherwise good condition

programme booklet "7. DMV Dieburger Dreiecks-Rennen", opening of the motor sport season April 11th 1954, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

1984 autographed book "Mit Mächtigem zwischen Himmel und Erde" by aircraft captain and lieutenant-general Hans Baur, chief pilot of Adolf Hitler, endpaper with glued in photo of Adolf Hitler and Hans Baur, autographed, and dedication and signature on page 3, in the cover

6127 - BOSCH
mixed lot with 2 pieces among it Bosch occasion magneto for a plane of the Air Force '30s, e.g. Focke Wulf Fw44, Bücker Jungmann, Bücker Jungmeister, and additional fighter aircraft, part number AM1B2, promt: FI 21201, with badge "Internationale Jagd- und Fischereimesse Novi Sad Jugoslawien 1967",... more

mixed lot of 14 issues of the magazine "Motor Revue", winter edition 1969, 4x 1971 complete, 4x 1972 complete, 3x 1973 summer, autumn, winter, annual issue 1980/81, and annual issue 1981/82, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

mixed lot of books 24 pieces among it 2x Fakra manual "Normen für den Kraftfahrzeugbau" 1955, 1958, "Die Schmierung leichter Verbrennungsmotoren" by H. Praetorius, "Instandsetzung der Kraftfahrzeuge - Instandsetzung von Dieselmotoren in Kraftfahrzeugen" by Heinz Fiebelkorn, "Handbuch für... more

mixed lot with 3x bound journals, among it "Automobil- und Motorenfabrikation" year 2, 4 and 5 1919, 1921 and 1922 by Dr. Ernst Valentin, all journals without covers, with traces of usage

mixed lot with 3 bound journals among it 1x "Motorfahrer - Offizielles Organ des Allgemeinen Deutschen Automobil-Club ADAC" year XIII. volume I January 1st - June 30th 1915, "Werkstatttechnik - Zeitschrift für Fabrikbetrieb und Herstellungsverfahren" year 6 1912 by Dr. G. Schlesinger, "Radmarkt und... more

6132 - ARDIE
motorbike tank '30s manufacturers "Ardie", unrestored original condition.

mixed lot of books, with 5 pieces, among it "Um Kilometer und Sekunden" by Ernst Rosemann, "Mein Mann der Rennfahrer" by Elli Rosemeyer-Beinhorn, "Europameister" by Ewald Kluge, "Jagd nach dem Sieg" by Karl Kling / Günter Molter, "Im weißen Overall" by Helmut Sohre, with traces of usage

mixed lot of 36 issues of the magazine "Motor Rundschau" 1948-1961, with traces of usage

6135 - PORSCHE
plastic produced plastic picture Porsche 956, autographed by Derek Bell, Jochen Mass and Jackie Ickx, 42x72cm

big mixed lot of newspaper reports by a collector, brochures, folders, more recent B/W photos, 18 color slides Cistitalia 202, photo postcards from picture scrapbooks, etc. emblems among it 4x Pininfarina, 1x Cisitalia, more recent production, 1x logo "elborazione Cisitalia" subsequent production,... more

mixed lot, among it: sales catalog Chevrolet Corvette 1962, color postcard Mercedes-Benz 540 Coupe, B/W photo Mercedes Benz 540K, newspaper reports etc.

6138 - JAGUAR
sales catalog Jaguar E-type, 12 pages, English text, from 1961, ring binding, with newspaper report from "Autocar Roadtest" 1961, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

original casting model for the car body Ferrari 250, 38.7cm, good condition

6140 - FERRARI
mixed lot of 2x advertisement posters Ferrari Testarossa, both 96x68cm, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

6141 - FERRARI
advertisement poster Ferrari 412, 96x68cm, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

6142 - FERRARI
advertisement poster Ferrari GTO, 96x68cm, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

6143 - FERRARI
advertisement poster Ferrari 412, 96x68cm, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

6144 - FERRARI
advertisement poster Ferrari F40, 68x96cm, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

6145 - FERRARI
advertisement poster Ferrari Testarossa, 60x84cm, with c. 3 and 5cm long flaws at the edges.

6146 - FERRARI
mixed lot of 2 photo posters Rene Arnoux / Michele Alboreto in a Ferrari 126/C3 1984/85, 96x68cm, 68x96cm, at the edges with slight flaws that are c. 1.5cm long, otherwise good condition

advertisement poster/sales poster Corvette, 90x60cm, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

issue of the magazine "Motori Aero cicil e Sports", issue 26, 1932, with report GP Germany 1932, 22 pages with Italian text, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

6149 - FERRARI
mixed lot of 2 original B/W photos, GP Germany 1962 Giancarlo Baghetti in a Ferrari 156, 18x23cm, reverse stamped with "Julius Weitmann", GP Aintree 1962 Phil Hill in a Ferrari 156.15x20cm, good condition

6150 - PORSCHE
original B/W photo GP Germany 1962 Nino Vaccarella in a Porsche 718, 18x23cm, reverse stamped "Julius Weitmann", good condition

mixed lot of books with 25 pieces, among it "Rennfieber" by Joseph Mühlbauer, Grand Prix Guide 74, "Porsche - Autos - Weltrekorde" by Heinz Sponsel, "Rennsportlegende Willi Martini" by Wolfgang Thierack, "Edition 1 - Y.Phillipe", "Jochen Rindt - Reportage einer Karriere" by Georg Lentz,... more

mixed lot of books 20 pieces, among it "Rallye-Sport" by Joachim Springer, "Niki Lauda -Formel 1" by Dr. Fritz Indra, "Klaus Ludwig - Jagdszenen" by Ferdi Kräling and Rainer Braun, 2x "Rallye-Jahrbuch" 1983/84, 1984/85 by Dieter L. Scharnagl, "Die Opel Rallye Story" by Klaus Buhlmann, "Ayrton Senna... more

mixed lot of 58 programmes 1970-1979 among it e.g. "AvD Preis von Deutschland Nürburgring"August 2nd 1970, "ADAC-500Km-Eifelrennen"September 6th 1970, "Großer Preis der Tourenwagen"July 9th 1972, "ADAC-500Km-Eifelrennen"September 3rd 1972, "Interserie Can Am 300Km Rennen Nürburgring" April 1st... more

mixed lot with c. 100 pieces, among it tickets of different raced like "ADAC-Gau Mittelrhein 300Km-Rennen" 1969, "3. Internationales Rundstrecken Rennen Aachen" 1970, "24 heures Francorchamps" 1969, "Internationaler ADAC-Rhein-Mosel-Preis Nürburgring" 1972, "Großer Preis von Europa" 1974, etc. also ... more

mixed lot with 6 pieces, among it 2x poster "X. Internationales ADAC-500Km-Rennen 1969 Nürburgring", 2x armbands for organization industry pits, and 2x cover letter regarding poster notice for the race 1969, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

pin Nürburgring '50s, with case, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

6157 - PACKARD
1936 Packard Six pattern folder with 5 samples, in English, in good condition and a price list for Packard Eight / Super Eight / Twelve by Packard 1938, in Dutch, good condition

6158 - PACKARD
1938 Packard Six / Eight sales catalog, pictures and technical data 46 pages, in English and in good condition

sales brochure Alfa Romeo 1900 Berlina, 4 pages, Dutch text, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

April 1933, regulations, good condition