Christmas auction 2021
Christmas Auction 2021 - Page 20/39
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2 badges: "BAC" (Berlin automobile club ?), and "AOC", replica, very good condition

914 - Donkervoort
1979-2002, extensive mixed lot with 21 pieces: early sales brochure by Joop Donkervoort, still as Lotus Seven Nederland-importer, with reprint "Autorevue" drive report 1979, Dutch, early fold-out brochure Donkervoort Super Seven/ Super Eight, with supplementary sheet technical data, French, October... more

915 - Caterham, Graham B. Nearn
1976, autographed written reply to a inquiry, typed on original "Caterham Car Sales"-writing paper, with signature by G.B. Nearn, founder of the firm and transferee of the rights to Lotus Seven, 1 page, English, traces of folding, good condition

916 - Caterham/ Seven Cars
1988-2005, extensive mixed lot with 18 pieces, sales brochures, press reports, tuning parts, special prints car tests among others K-Series, R300, 21, etc., German, English, French, very good condition, rare

917 - Caterham
mixed lot with 2 pieces: Caterham assembly guide for all models, and Super Seven safety handbook for Caterham models, both English, very good condition, rare

918 - Christopher Neil Ltd., Westfield Sportcars, Kokopelli
rare mixed lot of 3 pieces by manufacturers of Lotus modifications: sales brochure "the C N Sprint kit", Christopher Dunscombe and Neil Shepherdson founding their company CN in1984 and sold vehicles and kits, her most successful model was the Sprint, reproduction of the Lotus Elan, a fiberglass... more

919 - Steel Bros Ltd. (NZ)
1978, mixed lot with 6 pieces: written reply by D.M. Dixon about the export of the Lotus7 with Super 907-engine to America, 1 page with technical data, 3 company photos 20x13cm, and original envelope, English, good condition

920 - Evante Cars, Fleurs de Lys
1990/1992, mixed lot with 2 pieces: sales brochure Evante Roadster, inspired by the Lotus Elan, 8 pages, English, with 4 inserts technical data and prices, and press release folder Fleurs de Lys presenting the new Evante, Motor Show Birmingham 1992, 6 pages, complete with 1 press photo 18x13cm,... more

921 - Lotus
1958/59, mixed lot with 2 pieces: fold-out brochure Lotus Seven, 6 pages, bad spot in the corner, and fold-out brochure Lotus Seven-the build-it-yourself sports car, 8 pages, punched, both English, good condition

922 - Lotus
1962-1967, mixed lot with 6 pieces, folders Lotus Super Seven and Lotus Elan, press kit Lotus Europa, flyer Lotus Seven 1500, special prints car tests Lotus Elan, all English, good condition

923 - Lotus
1967/68, mixed lot with 6 pieces, among others fold-out brochure Elan S2 and Europa S2, price lists Lotus Seven S4, model program 1968, special print "We built an Elan", all English, good condition

924 - Lotus
1970-76, mixed lot with 9 pieces, among others folders Super Seven Series III, Lotus Esprit, Elan "special equipment", Eclat, Europa Twin Cam, price lists, special prints car test Super Seven, all English, good condition

" Hallo Fahrerlager 1", no more commercially available, private remainder, autographed by the author, with armband " Fahrerlager" from the 1000 km race Nürburgring 1969

" Hallo Fahrerlager Classic", in the trade wasn't more available, private remainder, autographed by the author, with armband " Rennleitung" 1000km race Nürburgring 1968

" Hallo Fahrerlager 2", no more commercially available, private remainder, autographed by the author, with armband " Fahrer" from the 500km race Nürburgring 1969

928 - Renault
mixed lot with 9 pieces, among it 9 Action- photos 13x18 ( 8sw, 1 Color) from the Renault 5 Cup 1976 and 1985, Clio Cup 1991 and 1994, 2 R5-photos Europacup Monaco 1976 autographed by the driver R. Braun

929 - a rarity
last printed edition of the " ONS Mitteilung" from December 1997, aftet that it had a new name DMSB and new format, afterwards only digital issues, last issue with a record of 170 pages, among others with the final result of all German automobile championships 97 and outlook of 1998

" Hallo Fahrerlager 3", no more commercially available, private remainder, autographed by the author, with armband " Fotoberichterstatter" from the 300 miles race Hockenheim 1969

931 - BMW
two company photos 17x23 B/W with BMW senior team 24 hours race Nürburgring 1994 ( M3 GTR , drivers were among others Heyer, Hahne, Neerpasch, Poldi von Bavaria) and 1995 ( 320i, among others with Heyer, Fritzinger, Aaltonen, Schüler)

932 - Porsche
mixed lot with 7 pieces, autograph cards 15x21 with all with detailed résumé of the Porsche- technician Peter Falk, Valentin Schäffer, Norbert Singer, Hans Mezger, Roland Kussmaul and drivers Willi Kauhsen and Jürgen Barth

933 - Renault
famous Renault- Ufo, used as guest lounge at the European Formula 1- race in the '70s- and in 1977 at the Motor Show is Essen as exhibition piece at the Renault stand, B/W photo 18x24

934 - Formula Super V
winner of all 126 races of the Europa-Cup 1971- 1982 with race-courses, chassis- brand and statistics part, 9 DIN 4 pages , with 3 stickers "50 Jahre Volkswagen Motorsport 1966- 2016"

935 - LOTEC
original brochure sheet " Lotec Sirius V 12" with 1200 HP, built in 2000 in the Bavarian Kolbermoor by Kurt Lotterschmid, all technical data, and information brochures "Mythos Lamborghini- 50 Jahre Automobile Passion"

936 - Renault
Formula Campus , 4 pages information brochure from 1997 for the first racing car Formula with biodiesel , 7 color pictures 13x18 and 7 stickers " Renault Sport Promotion Sportive"

937 - BMW
mixed lot of 12 color and B/W company photos Joachim Winkelhock, STW- CUP 1993- 1998, Portrais and STW- BMW 318 iS, different sizes

938 - Andrea de Adamich
autographed Fotoprint "Andrea de Adamich" in an Alfa Romeo 33 TT 3 " 21x15 , color photo

race programme booklet " 24 Heures du Mans 2008" language ( French), very good condition

book " Der Nürburgring im Bild" (1969), with autograph inside the 24h Le Mans winner Stuck, Mass, van Lennep. , good condition

941 - Mercedes- Benz
fold-out brochure Mercedes- Benz from the year 1989, rare, tear 3cm, creased

book "The Enzo Ferrari Memoirs", from 1963, language (English), condition good

mixed lot with 10 pieces, racing-event posters among it " 24 Heures Du Mans",1990 " 24 Heures Du Mans",1984 "24 Heures Du Mans", 1986 "24 Heures Du Mans", 1987 "24 Heures Du Mans", 1987 "24 Heures Du Mans", 1988 "24 Heures Du Mans", 1988, conditions good, all with slight creased supply (with), "... more

mixed lot of badges with 4 pieces, among it " 4. ADAC Barock- Rallye Motorsportclub Ludwigsburg",1969, " DMV-Starkenburg- Rallye",1969, "Int. 8 Vorderpfälzische Wertungsfahrt", 1969, " ADAC Rheinpfalz Rallye, BMW Rallye- Club Westpfalz E.V", 1969, conditions very good

mixed lot of badges 4 pieces, among it " Kohle und Stahl 11. Nationale ADAC Rallye Automobil Club Saar im ADAC",1969, " 9. Nord-Hessische- Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt", 1969, " ADAC Winterfahrt Hessen", 1969, " Kohle und Stahl 11. Nationale ADAC Rallye Automobil Club Saar im ADAC",1969, very good... more

mixed lot of badges with 5 pieces, among it " 1. Orientierungsfahrt AMC Laupheim im ADAC",1967, " 1.ADAC Gaumeisterschaftslauf, rund um Hügelheim", 1967, " Rund um den Burda- Turm", 1967, " 1. Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt AC Münstertal im ADAC", 1967, " Lauf zur deutschen Rallye Meisterschaft", 1967, ... more

mixed lot of badges with 4 pieces, among it " ADAC Rallye Astronomia Weil der Stadt", 1967, " 8. Öhringer- ADAC- Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt", 1967, " ADAC- Rallye Rund um Baden-Baden", 1967, " Mac- Müllheim 3. Markgr. Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt", 1967, conditions very good

mixed lot of badges with 4 pieces, among it " ADAC Ralley Astronomia, Weil der Stadt", 1969, "ADAC- Herbstrallye Lahn AC. Wetzlar", 1969, " Automobil- Club Kehl- Hanauerland e.V. im ADAC", 1969, " Motorsport-Club Bad Kreuznach im ADAC", 1969, conditions very good

mixed lot of badges with 4 pieces, among it " AMSC Liblar 1. AvD/ AMSC- Rallye Nürburgring", 1971, " 6. ADAC Barock Rallye Motorsportclub Ludwigsburg", 1971, "Rallye Kaiserkarl MSC-Aachen e.V.", 1971, " 250 Meiloen Nürburgring MSC Paffahrt-Amoco, Lauf um den AMOCO-Pokal", 1971, conditions very good

mixed lot of badges with 5 pieces, among it " 2.Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt AC Münstertal im ADAC", 1968, " HMC Öhringen 9. Öhringen ADAC Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt", 1968, " 2. ADAC Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt MAC Müllheim", 1968, " SV- Solidarität e.V. Lahr/ Schwarzwald", 1968, " Rund um den Burda-Turm, Rallye-... more

mixed lot of badges with 5 pieces, among it " ADAC Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt, Rund um die Hohe Acht", 1971, " RAC 8 Stunden Nürburgring", 1971, " ADAC Siegener Automobil- Club e.V. 50 Jahre", 1971, " 13.Sportliche MCS-ADAC Prüfungsfahrt Motorsport- Club Stuutgart EV.", 1971, " ADAC- Rallye Nordbaden,... more

mixed lot of badges with 6 pieces, among it " 10. Nordhessische Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt, Alsfelder Automobil Club im ADAC", 1970, " MAC- Gleichmässigkeitsprüfung", 1970, " Motorsport- Club Stuttgart EV. 12. Sportliche MSC- ADAC Prüfungsfahrt", 1970, " Chevron- Renngemeinschaft DMV Düren, Chevron... more

mixed lot of badges with 5 pieces, among it " Rund um Hügelheim, MSC Hügelheim im ADAC", 1964, " ADAC Ralley Astronomia Weil der Stadt", 1968, reverse, Johannes Kepler Astronom 1571-1630, " Automobilclub Schwarzwald e.V. Offenburg", " IV. ADAC- Rallye Waldkirch AMC Elztal", Oct 8th/9th 1966, "... more

954 - Martini Porsche 935
mixed lot with 2 pieces, among it " Gasfeuerzeug 935- 77 TURBO (funktionsfähig)", dimension c.: 10.5x5x4.5cm, " Faltprospekt Porsche Marken & Sportwagen Weltmeisterschaft 1976", 4 pages, dimension: 28x 21cm , conditions very good

955 - VW Karmann Ghia type 14
" VW Karmann Ghia Typ 14 Prospekt", first edition without VW logo from 1956 by the Wilhelm Karmann GmbH, Osnabrück, the following edition has a printed VW logo , with dealer's stamp by PONS NL, corners are knocked

event poster "Nürburgring, Großer Preis von Deutschland 1972", original folded, slight damage at the folding edges, dimension c.: 83.5x59.5cm

poster" Hockenheim, ADAC Rennsport Finale 1977- Marken Weltmeisterschaft", shows among others the Martini Porsche 935-77 with Jacky Ickx., original folds, dimension c.: 84x59cm, condition very good

event poster " Nürburgring, ADAC 1000km Rennen 1966", original folded, small discoloration at the corners, dimension c.: 83.5x 59.5cm

" Hans JoachimStuck- BMW- ATS- Brabham Alfa Romeo", Full Set TEROSON sponsors items from 1977, autograph card with original signature sticker, silver badge, 925 silver conditions are very good

race programme, " Svenska Motorklubbens", from 1927, among others driver: Anna Martenson in an Alfa Romeo, K. J. Nilsson in a Buggati, Magnus Nyström in a Norton, Curt Hansson in a Rudge Whitworth,Sprache (Swedish), 8 pages, punched, the creased condition is correspondingto age