Online Auction September 2021
Online Auction September 2021 - Page 27/37
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1954/55, mixed lot of 2 sales brochures among it Mercedes-Benz type LA 315, LAK315, LAS 315, and Mercedes-Benz type L325, LK 325, LS325, always with 8 pages French text, good condition

1955, flyer Mercedes-Benz type L325, French text, good condition

1955, flyer Mercedes-Benz type L315, French text, good condition

1954, fold-out brochure Mercedes-Benz 6-cylinder, 16 pages with French text, with traces of usage

mixed lot of 5 pieces among it 2x brochure Mercedes-Benz "Reise in die Vergangenheit", German text, fold-out brochure Mercedes-Benz product range, French text, fold-out brochure 1954, "L´evolution de la plus ancienne farbique", and fold-out brochure "Le voyage en Europe tant espére", French text,... more

mixed lot among it sales brochure Mercedes-Benz type 170S-V, sales brochure Mercedes-Benz type 170S-D, sales brochure Mercedes-Benz type 200, sales brochure Mercedes-Benz 180, sales brochure Mercedes-Benz 180D, flyer Mercedes-Benz type 180D, flyer Mercedes-Benz type 220, flyer Mercedes-Benz type... more

mixed lot with 2 pieces, among it the flyer Mercedes-Benz type 300, flyer Mercedes-Benz type 300S, always French text, good condition

1955, flyer Mercedes-Benz 190SL, English text, good condition

1961, registration Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint, with traces of usage

1258 - Lamborghini
steering head sign for bicycles, Lamborghini, good condition

1259 - FERRARI
radiator emblem Ferrari Cavallino Rampante, height: 12cm, good condition

lapel pin MV Augusta, good condition

1261 - VW
1965-1978, mixed lot of vehicle titles 61 pieces, partially voided, among others type 31, 23, Golf, Passat, used

1262 - VW, Audi
1966-1978, mixed lot of vehicle titles 72 pieces, partially voided, among others VW type 21, 36, 48, Audi 1800, 80, 100,, used

1263 - Mercedes-Benz, BMW
1960-1974, mixed lot of vehicle titles 49 pieces, partially voided, among others MB 190 DB, 280 SE, 250/8, and BMW 1800, 2002, 2500, 3.0, 520, 1600-2, and Mercedes-Benz instructions for use and service book, 1975, used

1264 - Simca, NSU, DKW
1964-1977, mixed lot of vehicle titles with 31 pieces, partially voided, among others Simca DB, GC, JA, and NSU 4, 1000, 1200, Ro80, and operating instruction Passat, 1992, and owner's folder Fiat Uno, used

1934, book "Die Auto-Schau", "1000 Autos zur Auswahl", year 1934/35, comprehensive advice for car purchase, functional principle of the automobile, list of available models with maintenance costsmaintenance costs, 260 pages, German, small damage at the back of the book, otherwise good condition

1266 - Krafthand
1942-1944, mixed lot of journals with 59 pieces: "Kraft-Fahrzeug Hand-Werk", Reichsfachblatt und amtliches Organ für alle Zweige des Kraftfahrzeughandwerks, was weekly published- 1942/ issue 25, 28, 36-52, 1943/ issue 1-33, 1944/ issue 1-9, always c. 20 pages, German, with the original folder,... more

1267 - Henschel & Sohn
1939-41, 3 x Henschel replacement part list: catalog-number XII 581, 6-cylinder diesel engine type J, 35 pages, catalog-number XII 576, three-axle-chassis type 33 G1, 62 pages, and replacement part catalog XII 403, 6-cylinder Henschel-Diesel type G, 46 pages, all in good condition

1268 - VEB IFA Automobilfabrik EMW
1953, "Ersatzteil-Liste für das 14 PS,350ccm Einzylinder-Kraftrad IFA-EMW R 35-3", clothbound folder consist of replacement part boards, and the replacement part list, very good condition, rare

1946/47, 2 magazines "Das Auto", the first German professional journal about engines and sports magazine after the war : 1946, 1st year, issue 1, 34 pages, reprint, and 1947, 2nd year, issue 1, double edition January/February, 58 pages, original, both in good condition

1957-60, mixed lot of journals with 104 pieces : "Illustrierter Motorsport", Organ des Präsidiums der Sektion Motorrennsport der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, four complete years, 26 issues per year: from issue 1, 1957 up to issue 26, 1960, always c. 25 pages, German, good condition

1271 - Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Saab
extensive dealer mixed lot with 14 pieces, among others press report Mercedes-Benz SLK, SLR, Concept Ocean Drive, Mercedes-Benz travel bag "SLK" by Lukas, press report X5, 3er Coupé, Audi Mediainfo A5 SE, A5 Illustrated, press report Porsche Panamera, Alpina sales folder D5/B6, D3/B3 Biturbo,... more

1904/05, book "Das Buch der Neuesten Erfindungen", publisher Jean Clairemont, 600 images, 660 pages, German, good condition

1914, book "Illustriertes Jahrbuch der Erfindungen" by Hans Elden, 242 pages, German, many images, good condition

1909, model atlas "Die Praxis des modernen Maschinenbaus", with seven colored, several times folded color tables: among others three-phase-turbo-dynamo, Adam Opel six-cylindermotorcar, 500 HP-two-stroke-raw oil-marine engine, 14 pages, German, good condition

1903/04, "The Car Illustrated", a Journal of Travel by Land, Sea & Air, bound, volume 7, contains the issues No. 79, 1903 up to No. 91, 1904, 432 pages, English, back of book is slightly damaged, otherwise good condition

1933-39, mixed lot with 4 pieces: "Amtlicher Taschenfahrplan für das Rhein-Main-Gebiet", valid 1936-37, only cover with survey map Reichsbahndirektionsbezirk Frankfurt (Main), "Mannheim von Montag bis Sonntag", 1938, number 31, publisher Verkehrsverein Mannheim, 8 pages, reverse advertisement Lanz... more

1924, 3 volumes "Modern Motor Cars", their construction, maintenance, management, care, driving and repairs, Editor: Arthur W. Judge, volume I, II, and III, 250, 280 and 380 pages, English, many images, good condition

1929/1938, book "Mit Graf Zeppelin um die Welt", richly illustrated report about the round-the-world-trip of the "Graf Zeppelin", authored 1929 by the passenger Max Geisenheyner by order of the FAZ, 112 pages, German, traces of folding, tear in the cover, and original newspaper report, 1938, on the... more

'20s-'40s, mixed lot of books with 18 pieces, among others "The Motor Manual", "Rad und Raum", "Handbuch für Kraftfahrer", "Die Autosattlerei", "Kraftfahrschul-Fibel", mostly German, mostly good condition

'30s-'40s, mixed lot of books with 12 pieces, among others Henry Ford "Das große Heute, das größere Morgen", "Trotzdem weiter", Rudolf Caracciola "Mein Leben als Rennfahrer", "Das Auto erobert die Welt", "Carl Benz-Der Pionier der Verkehrsmotorisierung", all German, all in good condition

'30s-'70s, mixed lot of road maps with 34 pieces, among others Ravenstein, Continental, Esso, Shell, Aral, good condition

'40s-'60s, mixed lot with 4 pieces: Bosch ignition coil TF6/1, probably for Horch, Maybach, Mercedes-Benz, without key, function wasn't checked, car vase Bavaria Sico 151, for VW-Beetle u.ä., 12x4x3cm, complete with mounting, car vase, only vase, frosted glass, floral cut, 18x5x4cm, parking disk... more

'50s-'60s, mixed lot of books with 21 pieces, among others sales brochure "DKW Schnell-Laster", punched, "Bremsen-Handbuch", Bosch fact sheets, "VW 1200-Jetzt helfe ich mir selbst", "Neue Kraftfahrzeug- und Verkehrskunde", "Die Technik und der Transport auf Straße und Schiene", all in good... more

mixed lot of automobile technique books with 18 pieces, among others "Grundlagen der Fahrzeugtechnik", "KFZ-Kraftübertragung", "Ventile im Motorenbau", "Die Motoren der Personenkraftwagen", "Karosseriereparatur und Lackierung", "Du und der Motor", all in good condition

1285 - Mercedes-Benz
mixed lot of books with 16 pieces, among others Heel, Mercedes-Benz Automobile 1913-1993, 6 volumes in the slipcase, "Ein Jahrhundert Automobiltechnik"-utility vehicles and automobiles, Mercedes-Benz automobiles 1886-1984, the history of the Unimog, 2 volumes in the slipcase, "Daimler-Benz" the... more

mixed lot of books with 15 pieces, among others about German compact car, the German car industrie, trucks and buses, "Die Straße-unser Schicksal", sport encyclopedia automobilism, reprint of the edition from 1910, all in good condition

1947-58, mixed lot of journals with 40 pieces, "Das Kraftfahrzeug Fachblatt", Verlag für Wirtschaft, Transport und Verkehr, 2 issues 1947, and 19 issues 1948, "Neues Kraftfahrzeug Fachblatt", same publishing house, 5 issues 1949, and 13 issues 1950, partially loose covers, ADAC Motorwelt No.12,... more

1288 - Mercedes-Benz
1951, operating instruction Mercedes-Benz type 220, edition A, inside some sheets falling apart, otherwise good condition

1289 - Eugen and Rudolf Diesel
1936, autographed book "Diesel-Der Mensch, das Werk, das Schicksal" by Eugen Diesel, the son of Rudolf Diesel, who is topic of this book and who is the famous inventors of the diesel engine, handwritten dedication and signature by the author, 492 pages, German, outside slightly dirty,... more

1290 - Zenvo Automotive
2006, complex prestige brochure "Enter Contender Zenvo Model ST1", 56 pages, complete with brochure "Key Figures and Features", 16 pages, with awesome stamping on the cover, with calling card by Chief Designer Christian Brandt, the Zenvo ST1 is a mid-engine-Super sports car with rear-wheel drive... more

1291 - Zagato
1996, promotion folder Zagato, DIN A3, with 4 photo prints: Fiat 8VZ, Alfa Romeo 1900 SSZ, Maserati A6G 2000, and Lancia Flamina Sport, limited edition No. 418 of 1000 copies, small tear, otherwise very good condition

1292 - Ford
2001, complex exclusive brochure, new release Thunderbird, 21 pages, English, connected with screws, in a leather slipcase, as good as new

1293 - Pagani
2013, press information folder Pagani Huayra, nice design, 10 DIN A3-photo prints, 14 pages with press text, English, as good as new

1294 - Audi
2008, sales brochure Audi R8, USA-version, hardcover, English, as good as new, shrink-wrapped

1295 - Audi
1991, presentation brochure Audi Avus Quattro, design study for the Tokyo Motor Show, 18 pages, with folded picture, German/English, spiral binding and folded cover, small damage at the cover picture inside, otherwise good condition

1296 - Fiat, Abarth
2012, sales brochure Abarth Fiat 500, 40 pages, model variations, accessories, USA-version, English, very good condition