Autumn Auction 2018
Automobilia Catalog - Page 13/71
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mixed lot of books 10 pieces, among it 10x "Grand Prix" from 1966 up to 1973, 1976 and 1988, by the author Ulrich Schwab, among it 9 books with a dust cover, good condition

mixed lot of books 8 pieces, "Formel Story, Alle Serien, Alle Rennen, Alle Sieger", issues: 2001, 2002 (twice available), 2003, 2004, 2005, 006, presents of DHL, books always in German, very good condition, as good as new

mixed lot of books 6 pieces, among it "Ferrari Jahrbuch 2003", "Ferrari" by the author Brian Laban, "Ferrari Piloti Che Gente…." by Enzo Ferrari, German text, in the dust cover, "Ferrari Formula 1" by the author Rainer W. Schlegelmilch, in the dust cover, "Ferrari Sport- und Rennwagen Prototypen",... more

mixed lot of books 12 pieces, among it "Mercedes Highlights, die besten Motorsportfotos" by the authors Julius Weitmann, Hans-Peter Seufert, Wolfgang Wilhelm, "Porsche 911 for ever young" by the author Tobias Aichele, in dust cover, "Siegfried Rauch - Steve McQueen, unser Le Mans, der Film, die... more

mixed lot of books 14 pieces, among it "Das Jahrhundert des Automobils" by the author Jürgen Lewandowski, "Cockpit Rennsport-Jahrbuch 1996/97" by the authors Dieter L. Scharnagel and Ferdi Kräling, "Grand-Prix-Report Auto Union von 1934 bis 1939" by the author Peter Kirchberg, in dust cover, "Grand... more

mixed lot of books with 14 pieces, "Porsche in Le Mans, die ganze Erfolgsgeschichte seit 1951", in German/in English, 3 volumes "Das neue große Buch der Porsche-Typen" by Jürgen Barth/Gustav Büsing, in the slipcase, "Porsche 904, die komplette Dokumentation - Entwicklung, Evolution,... more

book "Porsche RS Spyder" by Ulrich Upietz, limited edition 080/999, German/English, in the slipcase, original box, condition: as good as new, rare

"Jahrbuch der Automobil- und Motorboot-Industrie", first year by order of the Deutschen Automobil-Verband, Berlin 1904, good condition, very rare

"Handbuch vom Auto" by the author J. Fischer, Berlin 1927, with type label Adler, AGA, Benz, Dixie, Dürkopp, etc., good condition, rare

yearbooks No. 4, 5, 6 and 9, 1964, 1965, 1966 and 1968, all good condition, partially loose covers

mixed lot with 3 pieces, No. 1: catalog Anno (No. 1) November 1960, No. 2: Anno (No. 2) Luglio 1961, No. 3: Anno (No. 2), Marzo 1961, all with traces of usage, cover is partially loose

book with the title "Piloti che Gente" by Enzo Ferrari, from 1983, 340 pages, English text, good condition

mixed lot with 2 pieces, books, 2 volumes with the title "The Grand Prix Car" volume 1 and 2 by Laurence Pomeroy, English text, with green and red envelope, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

c. 1956, salesman folder car body versions for Bentley and Rolls-Royce vehicles, inside with specifications of the different types, among it "Silver Wraith", Cloud Bentley S, Daimler saloon with car body drawings and specifications, 9 variants only for seller resp. customer's point of view

626 - A. MORIN
folder Aerocar (Dossier de Construction), inside with engineering drawings, 11 pieces, slight traces of usage on the cover, otherwise good condition

mixed lot with 2 pieces, books "Die Mercedes-Benz Rennmannschaft" by the author Hornickel and "Das sind unsere Rennfahrer", also by the author Hornickel, from 1940/41, raritys

mixed lot with 2 pieces, books, "Automobil" and "Automobilsport", 2 volumes, very rare, this volumes are very rare, volume 1 254 pages, volume 2 292 pages, Berlin 1908, with decorative covers, good condition, with patina

mixed lot of 2 pieces, guide, No. 1: German Reich, DDAC club edition 1938 and No. 2: ADAC member edition, Germany, good condition, rare

mixed lot with 2 pieces, books, among it "Die Fahrgestelle der Personenkraftwagen", and "Die Motoren der Personenkraftwagen", good preserved, extensive standard reference from the early '50s

mixed lot with 2 pieces, Michelin-guide for Germany from 1911 and 1914, good condition

mixed lot with 3 pieces, books, among it "Graf Berghe von Trips" and 2x "Rennfahrer", by the author Benno Müller, good condition

set of maps "Deutsche Generalkarte" with a scale of 1:200.00, 26 sheets in a linen box, very nice preserved, complete

book "Die Benzwagen vom ersten Benzinautomobil zum Weltrekordwagen", German text, good condition, very rare

mixed lot with 3 pieces, books, "Junge, das ist Tempo", No. 1: "Die schnellsten Wagen der Welt und ihre Fahrer", No. 2: "Rennmaschinen und ihre Meisterfahrer", No. 3: "Flugzeuge von heute und morgen - und ihre Piloten", by the authors Richard von Frankenberg/Hans J. Pirner/Hans Ilger, cover with... more

mixed lot with 3 pieces, 3 books/volumes with the titles "Chronik des Automobils", volume No. 1 from 1946 till 1969 "Trümmer, Träume, Temperamente -Mobilität für alle", volume No. 2 from 1970 till 1989 "Schock und Schöpfung, Autos zum Leben", volume No. 3 from 1990 till 2006 "Der große Wandel, Lust... more

magazine "Motor-Kritik" year 1928 till 1933, the issues 1928, No. 21, 1929 No. 2, 1932 No. 16, 1933 the numbers 3, 4, 5, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, all bound, with covers

magazine "Motor-Kritik" year 1934, issue No. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 19, 22, 23, 24, issue No. 1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 always without covers

magazine "Motor-Kritik" year 1935, issue No. 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 2, 22, 23, issue No. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 16, 17, 19 21, 24 alwayswithout cover, all others with cover, bound

magazine "Motor-Kritik" year 1937 and 1940, issue 1937 issues No. 4, 14, ^5, 16, 17, 19, 1940 the issues-No. 19 and 21, bound, with covers

sales brochure car body Hebmüller 1 ½ tons Opel-Blitz-delivery van, "Der Geschäftswagen von Format", 4 pages, punched, in German, good condition

642 - ADLER
mixed lot among it sales brochure Adler type 2 litre, front and reverse are loosely, fold-out brochure type Trumpf Junior 1 litre, from 1939, punched, 8 pages, fold-out brochure Adler type Trumpf Junior 1 litre from 1934, 8 pages, price list Adler 1937 for type Trumpf 1 litre/1.7 litre, and 2.5... more

fold-out brochure Stoewer type standard 50/Gigant 80/Superior 50, eight-cylinder models 1929, 12 pages, technical data, with fold, rare

mixed lot with 3 pieces, among it add-on price list for special superstructures/VW-pickup truck 1964, 4 pages, price list No. 7223 for tarpaulins and bow frame/VW-pickup truck, 6 pages, brochure "Rationellere Ausnutzung durch größere Ladehöhe", 16 pages, '60s, good condition

mixed lot with 17 pieces, among it 5x flyer for type Gutbrod Atlas 800, printed on both sides , instruction sheet for type Superior/Gutbrod, sales brochure Superior 1954, 4 pages with technical data, flyer Superior deluxe 700, printedon both sides , flyer Gutbrod "Aus 1 mach 2",flyer Gutbrod type... more

646 - ADLER
catalog/magazine/commemorative publication "So entsteht ein Auto", cover loose

book "Mercedes-Benz, Portrait einer Weltmarke" by the author Ingo Seiff, with dust cover, with slipcase, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

book "Chaparral, The Texas Road Runner" by the authors Dave Friedman, Hiroaki Iemura and Cazuo Higaki, in the dust cover, with original packing, bilingual, in English and Japanese, condition as good as new

book with the title "Ein Hühnerzüchter auf Abwegen, oder was Sie schon immer über Cobras wissen wollten", by the authors Michael Fröhlich and Wolfgang Dütsch, in the dust cover, and original body panel Shelby Cobra on the cover, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

book with the title "Spyker von 1898 bis 1926" by the author Vincent van der Vinne, Dutch text, slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

book with the title "Gatso, the Never Ending Race" by the authors Michael Allen and Maurice Gatsonides, English text, with a dust cover, good condition

book with the title "Atmosphere and Light: the Automotive Paintings of Barry Rowe" by the authors Gary Doyle and Barry Rowe, in dust cover and slipcase, English text, good condition

mixed lot with 7 pieces, books, among it "Das Jahrhundert des Automobils" by Jürgen Lewandowski, "Portraits of the Sixties Formula 1" by the author Rainer W. Schlegelmilch, in the dust cover, "Mythos Jaguar" by the authors Bernard F. Viart and Xavier de Nombel, in the dust cover and slipcase,... more

mixed lot of journals, among it issues in a file from 1970 till 1990, beginning with the sport yearbook 1970, issue No. 106 issue September 1970, issue No. 107, issue November 1970, from 1971 beginning with issue No. 109, issue March 1971 except of issue No. 113, November 1971, from 1972 from... more

mixed lot with 13 pieces, books, among it 4x book "Porsche Sport" from 1993 till 1996 by the author Ulrich Upietz, all in the dust cover, "Der Porsche 956/962, vom Reißbrett zum Weltmeister, die Geschichte eines ungewöhnlichen Rennsportwagens" by the authors Boschen and Büsing, in the dust cover,... more

mixed lot of 2 volumes "Der Motorwagen", volume 1 issue 1 up to 18, year 1929, volume 2, issue 19 up to 36, all bound, good condition for its age

mixed lot of 2 volumes "Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift", edition 1 up to 36, bound, from 1930, good used condition

mixed lot of 2 volumes "Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift/Der Motorwagen" issue 1 up to 36, 1931, good condition

issue "Sport im Bild", year 1908, 1st half-year, bound, page 1 with a bad spot, good condition for its age