Autumn Auction 2018
Automobilia Catalog - Page 51/71
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badge night orienteering journey of the M.S.A. police, September 14th/15th 1929, enameled, 9 x 5 cm, badge represents a racing car/bridge-landscape, good condition

3310 - ADAC
"VII. Gau-Wertungs-Fahrten 1931, Bad Wildbad-Schwäbisch Gmünd/Ulm A.D.", with enamel, 10 x 8 cm, very good condition

badge "Motor-Sport-Tag in Gelsenkirchen 1930", badge shows a sports car Mercedes-Benz/compressor dar, badge with enamel, with small flaked off enamel parts at edge , used condition

badge "I. Sieger Jahreswertung 1929 H. D. A. C. Soest", 9.5 x 7 cm, very good condition

badge "Internationales Automobil-Turnier Baden-Baden 1933", badge journey enameled, 9 x 6 cm, good condition

badge "Motorsportclub Gmünd, ADAC, Club Wertungsfahrten 1927", badge shaped like a triangle, badge represents a horse , very good condition

badge "Strahlenfahrt mit Ballon-Verfolgung ADAC Gau I., Dela Berlin 1932", enameled, badge with view of a racing car/motorbike/balloon, with small flaked off enamel parts, 8.5 x 7 cm,

badge "ADAC Sternfahrt Automobil-Turnier, Rhein. Automobil-Club Bonn, 2. Sieger Geschicklichkeits-Prüfung", enameled, very good condition

badge "I. Clubmeister Soloklasse, BMW Zunft. Dresden 1931", badge shows a racing car, 9 x 7 cm, very good condition

badge "Stingl-Bartel-Bergwertungs-Gedenken Fahrt 1932", with a diameter of 7 cm, good condition

badge "Internationales Automobil-Turnier Baden-Baden 1933", (badge journey), enameled, 9 x 6 cm, good condition

badge "6. Bayer. Orientierungs-Fahrt 1930" "Der Kraftfahrer als Samariter", enameled, with small flaked off enamel part, otherwise good condition

badge zeppelin landing, airport Böblingen, November 3rd 1929 (DTC), badge shows a zeppelin , reverse hallmarked: Mayer u. Wilhelm, Stuttgart, sizes 7.5 x 5.5 cm, very good condition

badge "3. Bergprüfungsfahrt im Brohltal", 1928, Motorsport-Club Brohltal, 7 x 4 cm, good condition

badge "4. Bergprüfungsfahrt am Ködelberg", July 1925, with ADAC emblem/enameled, 9 x 6 cm, good condition

badge "Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt Motorrad Club Ulm, Juni 1928", badge shows a zeppelin/castle, reverse hallmarked: Metall Kleinkunst, A. Moser, München, 7 x 4.5 cm, good condition

badge K.A.A.C. Tat 1932, VI. 1, KMAC emblem/flag, enameled, with a diameter of 5 cm; good condition

badge "Automobilclub Westfalen 1902", enameled, with small flaked off part, c. 7 x 8 cm

badge of the "ADAC Gau XIII zu den 4. Baden-Badener Herbst-Sporttagen", September 9th till September 11th 1927, enameled, c. 8 x 8 cm, good condition

badge "Agrippina Versicherungen seit 1944", enameled, c. 8 x 10 cm, good condition

badge "Auto-Traktor-Rendezespren-Dämäk Nemzeikozi Turautja" from 1934, c. 6.5 x 4 cm, good condition

badge "Automobilwoche St. Moritz", from August 19th till August 25th 1929, with a diameter of c. 6 cm, good condition

enameled badge , by BV Aral, c. 9 x 10 cm, good condition

badge K.A.C. Csillagtura 1935, Tata-Tovaros, 4 x 7.5 cm, good condition

badge "Internationales Automobilturnier Baden-Baden, 24. bis 28. 6. 931 des BAC", punched: "Für Verdienst", c. 6 x 9 cm, good condition

badge by ADAC Swinemünde on the occassion of the automobile competition 1932, enameled, with picture of a mermaid, c. 7.5 x 9 cm, good condition

badge "A.S.T.L. La Sagra del Motore Giugno Genovese 1933 XI.", c. 6 x 5 cm, good condition

badge "Z. Eglitis Finnland Automobil Klubb 1939", plastic car driver, curved badge , 6 x 9 cm, good condition

badge "Automobilclub Rhein und Ruhr (A.v.D.) II Zielfahrt nach Solbad Raffelberg, 11./12. X. 1930", enameled, c. 9 x 5.5 cm, good condition

badge by the Hans Bergner AG, Cottbus, enameled, smaller flaked off part, with a diameter of c. 7.5 cm

badge of the S. A. C. for the 3rd international Gaisberg race 1931, with a diameter of c. 6.5 cm, good condition

badge with enamelled racing car and stamping "St. Gotthard Pass, 23. 6. 1931 und St. Bernardino Pass, 26. 6. 1931", c. 8.5 x 8.5 cm, good condition

badge "Szegedi Csillagturaja 1936, Junius 7. - Baross Szövetseg", with enamelled flag, c. 4 x 5.5 cm, good condition

Auto-Moto-club (Belgium) D’Ostende et du Littoral on occasion of the 1st international automobile rally Ostende 1929, c. 4.5 x 6 cm, good condition

winner badge for the 3rd place K.M.Y.C. Grof Szechenyi Emlekverseny-Bföldvar 1941, VII. 27th, with enamelled flag, c. 9 x 5.5 cm, good condition

winner badge 100 km race R.D. Bierstadt Kontref. 1932, enameled, with traces of usage,

badge of the "Automobil-Club Mayen e.V., Rallye Mayen-Nürburg-Ring 1927", enameled, c. 11.5 x 9.5 cm, good condition

badge K.Y.C. with enameled flag, on the reverse with an engraving 1879 - 1939, with a diameter of c. 4.5 cm, good condition

badge "Magyar-Auto-Touring Siofoki Csillagtura", on the reverse a stamp "Budapest Dobrentei U.2.", c. 7.5 x 4 cm, good condition

badge "Kekduna Felsögöd Fürdö es Nyaralotelep - Magyar Weekend Ujsag 1932, Csillagtura", c. 6 x 4 cm, good condition

winner badge of a faltboat Olympic qualifier - Essener Baldeney-See, July 4th and 5th 1936, on the reverse head of the Reichkanzlers A. H., with a diameter of c. 4.5 cm

mixed lot of 10 badges, among it the enamel badge "9. Christophorus Weiterfahrt 1963", "Dieburger A.M:C. im ADAC", "A.C.S. Orientierungsfahrt 1968", badge "Für besondere Höflichkeit im Straßenverkehr", and others, good condition

3351 - PORSCHE
mixed lot of 4 badges, among it Porsche Club Germany, meeting 2011, Berchtesgaden, "Sixty Years of Porsche Clubs World Wide, Anniversary 1952-2012", "Fahrsicherheitstraining 2014 Bilster Berg Drive Resort Porsche Zentrum Paderborn", badge "50 Jahre Porsche Club of America", "Maverick Region",... more

3352 - PORSCHE
mixed lot of 4 badges, among it "1. Bad Vöslauer Porsche Tage vom 20.- 22. April 2012", "25. Internationales Porsche 356 Treffen Deutschland" from 2000, badge "356 Registry East Coast Holiday Dublin/Ohio", badge "Porsche 356 Club Denmark", slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

3353 - PORSCHE
mixed lot of 4 badges, among it "25 Years Porsche Exclusive 1986 - 2011", "10 Anos Porsche Latin America von 2000 - 2010", badge "Jahrestreffen Stuttgart 18. -21. 09. 2008", Porsche museum, "25 Jahre Porsche Club Paderborn von 1984 - 2009", slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

3354 - PORSCHE
mixed lot of 4 badges, among it "25. 356 Group NW Annual Bull Session", badge "15. Internationales Porsche 356 Meeting Öland", May 24th - 27th 1990 Sweden, safety training 2009 Contidrom Porsche center Paderborn, 43rd Porsche 356 annual meeting from 2018, Schwäbisch Gmünd, slight traces of usage,... more

3355 - PORSCHE
mixed lot of 4 badges, among it "Porsche 356 Club Jahrestreffen NMXIV Civitas Taunensium", Porsche 356 Club Belgium, badge/medal Porsche Club Allgäu/Porsche Club Dreiländereck/Porsche Club Nürburgring/Porsche Club Schwaben/Württembergischer Porsche Club, badge "Porsche Celebrating 60 Years of... more

3356 - PORSCHE
mixed lot of 4 badges, among it "Porsche 356 Club Denmark 1990", "Porsche-Diesel Club Europa e. V.", region Lower Rhine, "12 Internationaler Club-Tag der Porsche Freunde Dinslaken 2013", Porsche badge/medal "Fahren in seiner schönsten Form", "50 Jahre Porsche Club Westfalen von 1952 bis 2002, der... more