Autumn Auction 2018
Automobilia Catalog - Page 9/71
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415 - R.A.C.I
1936, magazine "RACI", among it the issues 6, 8, 13, 25, 37, good condition for its age

416 - R.A.C.I
1935, magazine "RACI", among it the issues 1, 11, 15, 38, 39, good condition for its age

417 - NSU
sales catalog, probably '20s, among it the models e.g. 8/24 HP NSU Luxus double-Phaeton, 14/40 HP NSU saloon with distinguished layout of the lines, 14/40 HP NSU Sport-double-Phaeton, 2.5 tonner truck, etc., good condition for its age

418 - MARCOS
fold-out brochure Marcos 1600 GT, 8 pages, in English, with technical data, good condition

mixed lot with 15 pieces, '50s/'70s, Italian sales brochures/brochures by different manufacturers, among it flyer Fiat type 500 with technical data, printed on both sides , in German, sales brochure Lancia Beta 2 series, in Italian, sales brochure Fiat 131 Mirafiori, Danish text, punched, sales... more

mixed lot with 19 pieces, early '30s till late '30s, English sales brochures/brochures, different manufacturers, among it e.g. fold-out brochure Vauxhall type Wingham convertible sales brochure The New Wolseley Ten, fold-out brochure The New Vauxhall Ten-Four, sales catalog New Vauxhall "14",(2x... more

mixed lot with 24 pieces, from the '40s till the '60s, sales brochures/brochures, different manufacturers, among it e.g. fold-out brochure Hillman 1958/59, sales brochure Hillman Super Minx, punched, fold-out brochure Hillman Minx "Sunbird de Luxe Saloon", sales catalog Vauxhall Velox/Cresta,... more

mixed lot with 8 pieces, among it service booklet/operating instruction Daimler 2 ½ litre V8Saloon, some loose pages, because of the rusty clamps, English text, folder, in it a service booklet/operating instruction Daimler 2 ½ litre V8 Saloon, German translation, Daimler dealer address book of... more

fold-out brochure Mongho 650 4 pages, in Italian, rare

424 - HORCH
sales catalog Horch 8, 28 pages, with traces of usage, small flaws, partially strengthened with sticky tape , inside good condition

"The Book of the Locomobile", illustrated catalog from 1916, hardcover, 38 pages, good condition

426 - SHELBY
flyer Shelby Cobra, with technical data, English text, good condition

exclusive catalog "The Packard de Luxe Eight, Models 8 - 40 and 8 - 45", 36 pages, elaborate designed, very rare

428 - MERCER
sales catalog Mercer Motorcars 22 - 74, 24 24 pages, with racing successes, loose cover

1911, sales catalog types 52 HP/43 HP/40 HP/38 HP/36 HP/29 HP, etc., 20 pages, English text, condition 2-

rare sales brochure Karmann Ghia, in English, 10 pages, very good condition, with dealer's stamp on the back (Holberts Garages Inc.)

Germany 1952, fold-out brochure, 4 pages, technical data the Veritas automobiles type "Nürburgring", type five-seater convertible, three-seater convertible, two-seater sports car /racing car type RS, German text, rarity

mixed lot with 10 pieces, among it the brochure "Der Personenwagen, im Mercedes-Benz Typ 170 D auf Alpenfahrt", 2 year issue 11, November 1951, 1 issue "Lastauto und Omnibus", Mercedes-Benz L328, special print of issue No. 5 1961, newspaper report from the magazine "Motor" "Der Mercedes-Benz... more

sales catalog 16 pages with glued in price list, back of cover missing

mixed lot with 16 pieces, among it sales brochures motorbikes by different manufacturers, e.g. Triumph BDG 125L, customer price list No. 53a by the Austro-Daimler Puch-Werke AG, regional office Passau, on it type 200 ADP/type 250 ADP/type 500 V, dated February 1st 1934, sales brochure Pannonia De... more

mixed lot of 2 brochures Gustav Winkler single track car from 1930, slight traces of usage, punched, rare

price list, dated December 1st 1901 by the Union Nürnberger Motorfahrzeuge, among it e.g. the models travel and sports car for 4 persons, travel and sports car for 2 persons, trucks with 15 centner loading capacity, business and advertising car with 10 centner loading capacity, etc., some flaws... more

438 - DKW
mixed lot with 15 pieces, among it e.g. customer service-service book from 1934, DKW/Auto Union working costs without material for the types Reichsklasse F7-600, Reichsklasse-Spezial F7-00, Meisterklasse (Master Class) F7-700, as of 1939, 1 writing by the Auto Union store Berlin-Halensee, dated... more

mixed lot with 3 pieces, among it engineering drawing and correspondence Voss-Werke convertible from 1927, rare

report from the magazine "Automobile Topics" from 1952 about the Cunningham Ascendency, 4 pages, English text, with technical data, punched, with traces of folding, otherwise good condition

mixed lot with 15 pieces, among it e.g. training contract for commercial trainees by the company Borgward from 1939, cover letter Karl F. W. Borgward, Bremen, Automobil- and Motorenwerke, dated October 11th 1939, autographed, cover letter by the company Borgward, dated November 18th 1948,... more

mixed lot with 51 issues magazine "Maranello News" from No. 1 up to No. 51, from 1989 till 2005, lot in Italian, very good condition

mixed lot with 5 pieces, replacement parts lists, among it type 220 SE, edition B from 1960, condition 3-, type 220 S, edition D from 1960, condition 3-, type 220 SE, edition B from 1960, condition 2-3, type 220 B-220 SB, edition D from 1965, condition 3-, cover is missing, type 300 D "Automatik",... more

mixed lot of 3 workshop manuals, volume 1 up to 3, passenger car types from August 1959, among it the models 190 C, 190 DC, 200, 250 S, 250 SE, 230 SL, 250 SL, etc., condition 3

mixed lot with 8 pieces, among it 1x workshop manual type 190 from February 1957, condition 3, 7x replacement parts lists, among it type 180 B, 180 C, 180 DB, 180 DC edition A from 1959, condition 3-, type 190 DB edition A from 1959, condition 3, type 190 C, 190 DC, 200, 200 D, 230, edition C from... more

mixed lot with 8 pieces, among it color and textile catalogs e.g. for 350 SL, 250/250 C/280/280 e/280 CE, 280 S/280SE/350 SE, 280 SLC/350 SLC/450SLC, etc., good condition

mixed lot with 21 pieces, among it sales brochures by different manufacturers, e.g. sales catalog Glas 1700/Glas 1700 TS, Glas 1204 from 1988, flyer/sales brochure Glas/Goggomobil type T600, on both sides printed, sales brochure Lloyd Alexander TS from 1959, sales brochure Opel Kadett, sales catalog... more

treatment instructions for the 6/30 HP Wanderer 4-seater, with lubrication schedule, good condition, rare

450 - DKW
mixed lot with 4 pieces, replacement parts lists, among it e.g. model NZ500, construction year 1939/40, condition 4, loose cover, replacement parts list type Sport 250/SB200 and SB 200Luxus, condition 3-4, replacement parts list DKW Reichs-type 100 2,5 HP, condition 2-3, replacement parts list type... more

451 - DKW
mixed lot of 2 replacement parts lists, among it No. 16 two-stroke-four-cylinder 4/22 HP, condition 3-, replacement parts list No. 52, front car -types 1937, Meisterklasse (Master Class)/Reichsklasse, condition 3, rare

452 - DKW
mixed lot with 4 pieces, replacement parts- ists, among it No. 52 Frontwagen types 1937, Meisterklasse (Master Class)/Reichsklasse, No. 62 Frontwagen typesF8 from 1939, Meisterklasse (Master Class)/Meisterklasse (Master Class) right-hand drive/Reichsklasse/Reichsklasse steering, two-seater with... more

453 - DKW
mixed lot with 4 pieces, replacement parts lists, among it No. 42/52 remake Frontwagen types F5 and F7 from 1936, cover and some pages are loose, condition 3-4, No. 55 special class 37 from car 52001 two-stroke-four-cylinder from 1937, condition 2-3, No. 55 A, supplement for special class 38 from... more

454 - DKW
mixed lot with 6 pieces, among it replacement parts price list for the catalogs 2-22 Liste1, condition 3-, No. 23 B Dynastart-systems for front-wheel drive cars from 1932, No. 22 C engine 700 ccm for the Meisterklasse (Master Class) type 701 from 1933, condition 3, No. 16 two-stroke four-cylinder... more

mixed lot with 23 pieces, among it sales brochures e.g. Auto Union 1000 S saloon 4-door, Auto Union 1000, Auto Union 1000 S, Auto Union 1000 S coupé, Auto Union 1000 coupé De Luxe, Auto Union 1000 saloon, DKW deluxe 2-seater coupé, the new DKW, the new DKW Schnell-lorry, 2x DKW F12 roadster, the big... more

mixed lot with 12 pieces, sales brochures, among it e.g. DKW Front "Spart mehr als er kostet", DKW utility vehicles, DKW Schwebeklasse, model 1936, DKW-Front "Ein Erzeugnis der Auto Union", 2x DKW-front, 1x Danish and 1x German text, DKW-special class, 2x "Der Große DKW Sonderklasse", DKW Front... more

457 - NAG
mixed lot with 2 pieces, among it description and operating instruction NAG-Protos with clutch automat, 16/80 HP six-cylinder, 4 litre, lowered chassis, with brochure "Zweimal 10 Gebote", slight traces of usage, otherwise good condition

mixed lot with 3 pieces, among it e.g. flyer "Internationale Alpenfahrt 1936", small bad spot right down below and a smaller tear c. 2 cm long, newspaper report/special print from the "Deutsche Sportillustrierte", issue No. 28, year 1935 "Kleiner Wagen für Große Fahrt", DKW front 600 ccm, 2 pages,... more

mixed lot with 9 pieces, among it workshop manuals, e.g. Auto Union 1000 volume 1 and 2, workshop-manual DKW Junior volume 1 and volume 2, workshop-manual DKW hobby, workshop-manual DKW motorbikes, workshop-manual DKW passenger coaches 3=6, workshop-manual DKW F102, replacement parts-catalog Auto... more

460 - DKW
mixed lot with 7 pieces, replacement parts catalogs, among it DKW motorbike RT 250/2, DKW motorbike RT 125/2 and 2H, DKW motorbike RT 175/200 VS and S, DKW hobby, DKW motorbike RT 200/200 height and 200/2, 2x DKW motorbike type RT 175, used condition

461 - KDF
magazine "Mein KDF-Wagen", 34 pages, German text, with slight traces of usage otherwise good condition, rare

mixed lot of 16 pieces, among it e.g. magazine "Mannschaft…Ein Siegesjahr der Auto Union", brochure "Darum DKW", fold-out brochure DKW car, fold-out brochure "Der Große DKW 3=6", fold-out brochure Auto Union, the 1000s models, Danish text, fold-out brochure "Von Horch zu Audi", color catalog Audi... more

mixed lot with 4 pieces, among it e.g. flyer/sales brochure Mercedes-Benz 220 S/SE (tailfin), sales brochure/flyer Mercedes-Benz type 300 from 1954, sales brochure/flyer Mercedes-Benz type 300 S, sales brochure/flyer Mercedes-Benz type 220 from 1954, good condition

mixed lot with 6 pieces, among it e.g. auto programme 1965, sales catalog Mercedes-Benz 600, sales brochure/fold-out brochure Mercedes-Benz type 220 from 1952 cover design Gotschke, 3x small-format model program booklets, among it e.g. the types 180, 190, 220 S convertible/coupé, 300 S, 190 SL, 300... more